Sirius In Love

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It didn't take long at all for Sirius to fall head over heels for Corinne. For weeks after the order meeting, she was all the marauder could talk about. And according to Fleur, who had rekindled her old friendship with the woman, Sirius was also a hot topic for discussion. Sirius talked about Corinne so much, in fact, that others were starting to get tired of it.

Harry was the one to hear the most about Sirius's new love interest. Part of this was because of how close godfather and godson had become since his return, but it also had to do with the fact that they lived in the same house. Harry was happy for his godfather, who seemed to finally be getting a chance at a good life, but there was only so much a person could take. Especially when he didn't seem to talk about anything but how beautiful she was, often going on and on for long periods at a time. Talk about the Veela started the moment Harry woke up in the morning, only stopping when he went to work, and then started up again the moment he got home.

Remus also seemed to be getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. When Harry was at work, it was him who had to listen to Sirius go on and on for hours. But unlike Harry, who had never had to deal with something like this before, Remus was used to it. Apparently Sirius had been the same way in his days at Hogwarts, as well as for a brief time after graduating.

"Sirius could talk about a girl for days at a time." Remus had told Harry. "James, Peter, and I used to get so sick of hearing about all the girls he liked that we eventually learned to tune him out. He never seemed to notice, though. He never knew when to stop." A small smile appeared on the werewolf's face, and he let out a small chuckle. "Though, to be fair, your dad was the same way when it came to your mum."

Harry eventually became so tired of listening to his godfather talk about how much he wanted to be with Corinne that he suggested he stop talking about her and just ask her out already. If Harry was being honest, he thought his words came out a bit harsh, but if Sirius noticed, he didn't care. In fact, he took his godson up on his advice and asked Corinne out the following day.

Unfortunately, going out with the woman didn't do anything to stop the talk about Corinne. Instead, it only opened a window for even more discussion. Instead of talking about how beautiful she was, he soon began to talk about how nervous he was. How he hadn't been out with a woman since before Azkaban and how he wasn't sure he knew what to do. He was so nervous that Harry had to practically shove him out the door on the evening of his date, glad to have a few hours without having to listen to him talk. Even James and Al's endless questions were better than what Harry had been forced to endure the last couple of weeks. And if that wasn't bad enough, it only got worse after the date.

The morning after Sirius's date, Harry had to sit and listen to his godfather talk for hours about how perfect Corinne was and what a great kisser she was. He heard more details about the new member of the order that day than he had any interest in knowing, including tattoos in places he didn't want to hear about. Sensing that the conversation was headed in a direction that wasn't child-friendly, Ginny decided to take the children to a muggle park for the remainder of the morning, leaving Harry to suffer alone.

"We went back to her place after spending a few hours at the pub." Sirius had said over a cup of tea. "I don't think I've had a snog that good in...well, it was definitely before Azkaban."

"Er...that's nice." Harry mumbled.

"Things got a bit heated after that." Sirius continued, not noticing the mixture of shock and disgust on his godson's face. "I was a bit hesitant at first, but she assured me she's on the contraceptive potion."

"Right. I think I'm just gonna..."

"Did you know she has a tramp stamp of a pixie?" He asked as he poured what he thought was sugar into his tea, but it was really salt.

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