*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 001: PARTY IN THE USA.

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chigiri hyoma wasn't one to easily lose his cool. but his sister, asami, has been pushing way past his limits.

"i'm going to california!"
"i heard you alright the first time..." he looked around her room, where summer clothes were all over the floor. a huge suitcase was right in the middle of the room.

"then why do you ask again? are you slow or somethin'?" she raised an eyebrow playfully, making chigiri groan before he threw a pillow at her face.

"isn't it your last year in college? why are you quitting now?"
"oh, but hyo," she smiled mischievously, "i'm not quitting."

"so you're taking the semester off like me?"
"hmmm, well..." asami tapped her finger against her cheek, "not exactly."

hyoma sighed in irritation, rolling on his back. "then what the fuck are you doing?"

"look, i was thinking the other day..."

"must've took a lot of effort." he mumbled.
"shush! as i was saying, i was thinking... about how dear you are to me, you know? you're my favourite sibling, hyoma, i mean it!"

"i'm your only sibling—"
"point is," she turned around dramatically, her hair hitting his brother's face, "i realized we look similar."

hyoma was confused. "we are related, if that's what you're trying to imply."

"i know! but we look really really similar. it's almost like... you can wear one of those wonder bras, fill it up with toilet paper, and people will think that it's me!"

now, chigiri was starting to catch on. "asami. this is not 'the parent trap'. if you're being serious, drop it."

"you don't understand! i'm already a year late. i made the dumb decision to try to get an honours degree! then, i decided to attend all the extra courses in my last year instead of dividing it over these last few years, and i failed everything. twice."

"what does it have to do with me?"

"you're taking this semester off!"

"i took it off because i almost tore my acl again! i want to rest properly before i go back."

"but, hyo!" she whined, taking him by his shoulders, "i have no artistic talent! and most of the classes i have left are related to art."

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