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CHIGIRI'S VOICE HAS BEEN THREE OCTAVES HIGHER ever since the bathroom incident

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CHIGIRI'S VOICE HAS BEEN THREE OCTAVES HIGHER ever since the bathroom incident.

walking to the cafeteria was a pain in the ass—both literally and figuratively. he didn't even want to see your face after that, but his pride meant nothing as he held onto you during the whole trip.

after finally reaching the destination, which was a secluded table, you plopped down on the bench, a hand under your chin.

chigiri was barely hanging by a thread, lowering himself slowly in a squat position to sit. he bit his lip to avoid making any sounds, not trusting himself in the slightest.

you raised an eyebrow, before giggling as you remembered asami's struggles. "aw, chi! don't overthink this." you said as you pushed her shoulder down, trying to make her sit faster.

chigiri's heart dropped as he lost his balance. everything was in slow motion for him as he felt the tampon shifting with every small movement. he grunted in pain as his ass finally hit the wooden surface.

"shhhh, it'll be fine." you draped your arm around asami to console her, "it's always a little stiff in the beginning, but when it loosens up, you'll forget it's even there!"

"yeah..." chigiri shivered. "i don't think that i'll forget it."
you giggled at her joke, pecking her cheek. "you're so funny, 'sami! i love you lots."

you stood up, taking your wallet out of your bag before putting it back on the table. "do you have any cravings?"

"huh? what for?"
"lunch, what else?" you smiled softly "it's my treat."

"no, i'm fine. just get something for yourself." he said, turning away from her. he didn't like owing people something, and he didn't want anything from you.

you watched the scene with a radiant smile on your face. asami was truly one of a kind. turning on your heels, you went to the cafeteria, unaware of the gazes that were on you and your friend moments ago.

having bigger issues than his grumbling stomach, chigiri took your absence as an opportunity to try to contact his sister again.



i'm so close to snitch on you istg

your little friend just shoved a tampon up my ass


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