*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 002: MET GALA MARATHON.

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THE SUN WAS POKING THROUGH THE TALL WINDOWS OF YOUR BEDROOM, where you were laying down on your stomach with your tongue slightly poking out from concentration

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THE SUN WAS POKING THROUGH THE TALL WINDOWS OF YOUR BEDROOM, where you were laying down on your stomach with your tongue slightly poking out from concentration.

you were reading the new vogue magazine that came out, all while painting your nails. it was still pretty early in the morning, but you liked getting up sooner during summertime.

there was a gentle knock on your door before it opened, revealing your two dads. they smiled softly at you, seeing that you were too distracted to notice them.

they approached you, crouching down to both kiss your head. "hey sweetie, we cut you some fruits."

you blinked rapidly before looking up. "hi dad, hi daddy. g'morning."
you muttered a little thank you at their sweet gesture and patted the space next to you, inviting them to sit down on the floor.

you were stacking up some pieces of mangoes and strawberries on your fork, which made them chuckle.

"you know, we were gonna rewatch the heavenly bodies met gala tonight. are you up for it or do you already have some plans?"

you beamed at the mention of that— watching the met gala livestream every year was a family tradition in your household. rewatching them was a tradition too.

"even if i did i would've canceled them." you said, making shogo, the man you called 'dad', ruffle your hair. your daddy, makoto, just shook his head in amusement.

you sighed, plopping a grape in your mouth. "i don't have anything to do, so don't worry about it."

"is your friend asami back from vacation?"
"you mean chi? no, she went on a roadtrip with her family, but i don't think she's back. she didn't message me yet."

"don't be sad, y/n."
"no, i'm not sad. i'm happy that she's having fun. i just kinda feel lonely. it feels weird without her here."

you paused, before smiling a little. "she's going to be in most of my classes this year, so it's worth the wait."

shugo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "isn't she a couple of years older than you?" he asked before looking at his husband. "also, wasn't she studying chemistry?"

"she was." makoto nodded.
"yeah, but she decided to do all of her extra courses during her last year. she failed all of them, so now she needs to restart them. after that, she'll need to pass another semester, and then she'll be done."

"you should help her this year."
"i'm planning to! she didn't tell me about her situation last year, but this year she consulted me, and we took the same classes so i can kinda tutor her too! i feel sooooo smart."

your eyes were sparkling from excitement. "she's always been there like a big sister for me, helping me out with everything. i can't wait to pay her back!"

"she's a great friend, isn't she?" makoto asked, already knowing the answer.

"she is. she's my best friend."

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after talking to you, your dads sat next to each other on the staircase.

the silence was loud.

"i'm worried." makoto voiced out, shocking his husband. "she's so extroverted, but she doesn't have many friends. hell, she only has one." makoto was always very easy on you, hence the reason you called him 'daddy'. he was the type of parent who went with the flow, and never took his anger out on you.

shogo was the realist (and strict) one in the relationship, so seeing his usually cheerful husband saying this was unsettling.

he reached out to grab makoto's hand, squeezing it. "don't mop around. she'll be fine. she always is."

"i don't want her to be lonely." he ran his fingers through his hair.

shogo took a deep breath, weighting the words he was going to say. "i think this year is gonna be a good one for her."


"i think she's gonna make a lot of friends this year."
"hah. how do you know that?"

"dunno. it's a gut feeling" shogo carried on.

he was always a logical man. he was the one who read all the parenting books out there. he knew you better than anyone, and he felt like something was going to change for the better. this time, his paternal instincts surpassed his logical side.

and knowing himself, his gut feeling is usually right.

"don't worry so much, makoto. she's tougher than you think.", he said, making his husband smile. he knew that when shogo said something, he meant it. and so, he believed him.

letting go of the subject, he stood up, stretching his arms.

"call y/n, i'm gonna prepare some snacks before we watch the met gala."

a few streets across yours, chigiri hyoma was laying on the bed, mentally preparing himself to take his sister's place starting next week.

as for asami, she was miles away, watching random met galas. thinking about you.

she was homesick, and this was her only remedy.


chigiri and the mc will 'meet' next chapter!!this chapter was more of a reinforcement of the main plot so you guys don't get confused when chigiri takes his sister's place!

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chigiri and the mc will 'meet' next chapter!!
this chapter was more of a reinforcement of the main plot so you guys don't get confused when chigiri takes his sister's place!

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