*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 010: MR. WORLDWIDE.

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MAKOTO KEPT PACING AROUND THE KITCHEN, impatiently waiting for your arrival

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MAKOTO KEPT PACING AROUND THE KITCHEN, impatiently waiting for your arrival. when he received your text a few hours earlier saying that you invited asami and your new friend to watch the met gala, his eyes popped out of place.

he knew you weren't easy to get along with despite your... mostly gentle personality.

therefore, he had called shogo, ordering him to come home earlier to clean the house. first impressions are very important.

after the whole cleaning frenzy, the black haired man went to prepare the food, occasionally glancing up to his husband, who was busy walking in circles as fast as he could, nearly hyperventilating.

"stop breathing so loud." shogo snapped.

"she said she was going to be here in 8 minutes... it's been 11." makoto panicked.

"don't be a moron. she'll be here soon."

not even a few seconds later, the doorbell rang, and both of your parents ran to the door.

makoto hurriedly unlocked the door, swinging it open as fast as he could.

"hi daddy! turns out we'll be more than 3..." you pecked his cheek, giggling.

"the more the merrier." makoto's eyes sparkled at the amount of unexpected guests. he loved having people over.

"sweetie... who are all these people?" shogo asked from behind his husband. he had to get on his tip-toes to see the commotion over makoto's shoulder.

"they're my friends!"
"i can see that..." shogo chuckled. he wasn't angry despite being a little wary. seeing you happy made everything okay, so he pushed makoto aside, inviting your new friends in.

as for makoto, he was basically jumping around from the sheer excitement. it looked like you had your first friends aside asami.

"welcome back, asami. had a good trip?" shogo asked with a rare smile.
"hi, yes, thank you." he cringed at himself. his sister was naturally outspoken, but he preferred being silent unless he was with his close friends.

"we're glad you're back! it felt lonely without you." makoto ruffled chigiri's hair before turning to your new friends.

as you all say down in the living room and finished up with the introductions, he spoke up again. "i'm makoto. this is my husband, shogo." he put an arm around his stoic husband, showing him off.

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