*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 012: YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US.

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"WHERE'S CHIGIRI ANYWAYS?" shidou asked as he ate, crumbs of food flying everywhere

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"WHERE'S CHIGIRI ANYWAYS?" shidou asked as he ate, crumbs of food flying everywhere.

"oh my god... i'm gonna barf." aryu audibly gagged, holding his chest.

"she went home." you answered, still feeling down.

"boo, what a bore!" shidou commented loudly, making someone from the next table throw a piece of ham at him— which he caught with his teeth before swallowing it whole.

"maybe she just doesn't want to pressure herself into taking more than one class a day when she doesn't need to." you shrugged, playing with your food.

"but she ditched you, no?" shidou asked, making you bite your lip.

"yeah, that's right! are you silent or were you SILENCED?" he smacked the table, cackling.

"so unglam." aryu scoffed, laying his head on the table to have a better look at you.

"what's your next class, anyways?" he bumped his arm against yours, trying to distract you.

"screenwriting with snuffy." you mumbled, staring at him through your lashes, and aryu lightened up.

"wait..." shidou's head snapped towards the other male.

"i have him next too... i'm about to cry of joy." he fanned himself.

"will it be glamorous?" you finally cracked a smile, and aryu only sniffled in response.

"that's NOT fair!" shidou stomped his feet under the table, ruining the nice moment. "i want to be in that class too."

"weren't you the one who said that screenwriting was for losers?" reo chuckled, dropping his tray as well as as nagi's on your table.

"i only said it last semester cause igaguri took it." shidou made vomit sounds.

"that's not very nice." you furrowed your eyebrows.

"don't mention him around me... he almost gave me cpr yesterday." reo shivered.

you looked around in confusion, having no memory of that incident.

"we're talking about reo's harasser." nagi spoke, glancing up from his phone.

it was a little lie that isagi told you, but at this point it would be better to just go along with it. explaining the situation was already a hassle; explaining it to YOU was even more of a hassle.

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