*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 008: CHIGIRI 'SAMI.

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"MAKOTO, STOP THAT." the black haired man huffed, pushing his foggy glasses up his nose bridge.

"but why?" his husband whined, pushing the camera even more towards shogo's face. "it's our daughter's first day of school!"

shogo's expression softened momentarily before he glared at the camera, swatting it with his spatula.

"i'm busy right now." he answered, his pink apron revealed by the sudden angle change. he was focused on his task, which was making the perfect heart-shaped banana pancake. "i have to make sure that my little girl's day will be perfect."

makoto smiled as he stopped recording. he was the luckiest man alive.

he pushed his sleeves up and joined shogo on the other side of the counter to help him out. the silence was peaceful, and the rays of sun lighting up the kitchen made everything better.

a few minutes later, little fast footsteps could be heard from the large marbled staircase, announcing that you woke up. shogo always scolded you for running around the house, but he didn't have the heart to do it today.

not when you were this excited to finally be a grownup.

"hi dad, hi daddy! don't look at me!" you exclaimed loudly.

"good morning!" makoto greeted back without turning back. although he hasn't seen you yet, he was unable to hide his smile. "you're up early. excited for first grade?"

"mhm. okay, yall can look now." you announced.

"yall...?" makoto questioned your sudden accent change.
"ugh, it's because of that hag across the street." shogo responded discreetly, rolling his eyes.

"which one?" makoto's eyes shined. he loved gossip.
"the one who steals cherries from our backyard. she likes to pretend she's rich, but that money's all from her dead husband."

"i also hate her...she swears she's from tokyo, but she's from the countryside. she also tries to gatekeep tokyo?? when she heard that i grew up in yokohoma, she said it's technically not tokyo and that i'm a peasant village boy." makoto ranted angrily, completely forgetting your order to turn around.

"the audacity," shogo scoffed, "her own village only consists of herself and a few other inbreds."

"dad! daddy! you can turn around now." you repeated, your parents immediately doing as you said.

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