*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 004: 3-2-1 ACTION.

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REO WAS SITTING ON THE INFIRMARY BED, his eyes red and puffy

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REO WAS SITTING ON THE INFIRMARY BED, his eyes red and puffy. after being pepper-sprayed and basically getting a free vasectomy, kunigami carried him to the nearest bathroom sink and held him as isagi helped him rinse his eyes with milk to stop the burning sensation.

after that, the nurse made him take a cold shower to get rid of the residues. and now, here he was, shaking like a leaf. he was wrapped in nothing but a dirty towel the nurse gave him, droplets of water falling on the blue-tiled floor.

on the bed next to his, shidou was laying down, unbothered. he was looking straight at the ceiling, unmoving, which was strange coming from him. but again, shidou has always been unpredictable.

the silence was heavy, and no one dared making a sound. reo, the sweet boy who looked always so neat had an eyebrow twitching in anger. he was like a ticking bomb, ready to lash out on anyone.

the nurse came back in, giving him a piece of paper before telling him that he was dismissed. with that, reo stood up, slowly changing back into his clothes.

nagi, too engrossed by his phone, didn't take note of the delicate atmosphere as he spoke. "you should sue her, reo."

the boy stopped buttoning his shirt for a moment.

"...yeah. i should." he muttered.

his friend group sighed in relief. they could've never guessed that reo would be so intimidating when he's truly angry.

"fuck it." he suddenly raised his voice in determination. "i WILL sue her."

as he stomped his way across the campus to try to locate you, he was angrily ranting as isagi, kunigami, and occasionally nagi, cheered him on.

"who does she think she is? i'll make her regret the day she was born. when i see her, it's on sight." he huffed.
"that's the spirit, reo!" isagi laughed out, pumping his fist in the air.

did he know what you looked like? did he see your face? no— but he remembered your outfit. he was scanning through the crowd, looking for the shortest miniskirt. was it working? not really, but he wasn't one to give up that easily.

"i've never hit a woman, but i'm making an exception for this one." he rolled up his sleeves, punching the air to demonstrate his fighting skills.
"woohoo." nagi said unenthusiastically, dragging his feet on the floor.

"nagi! you have a good camera. think you could film it for me?" reo asked.
"are you sure you'd win?"

"of course i will!" he puffed out his chest.
"maybe you should let it go, reo..." kunigami intervened. "it was clearly an accident. the poor girl was terrified."

"it doesn't mean that she needs to resort to violence!" he moved his arms around as he explained himself.
"you're also resorting to violence..." isagi pointed out.

"it's not the same thing! she pepper-sprayed me!"
"and she's about to do it again."
"nagi! you should be on MY side—"

a hand landed on his chest, stopping him from going further away.

he saw the shoes of the person, seeing a pair of high-heels. as his eyes moved upwards, they fell on a skirt— a very short denim miniskirt.

having no doubt about who it may have been, he furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fist as his other hand grabbed your wrist.

"you're have guts to show yourself after humiliating me like that, ya know?" he chuckled. he still hasn't seen your face. "you know what i do to people like you?" he continued as he raised his head.

"i..." that's when his eyes met yours. his pupils grew twice in size, his face warming up.

"hi!" you gave him a bright smile as you waved with your free hand. "my friend 'sami told me i pepper-sprayed the wrong guy so i ditched class to apologize. it was less hard to find you than i thought since your eyes are so red! at least i know my pepper-spray is working."

reo's lips were slightly parted, as his breathing got heavier.

"go on! tear her up!" isagi whisper-yelled.
"the camera's rolling, reo." nagi said.

"i'll—" reo started.

kunigami groaned, hiding his face in his shirt from the second hand embarrassment he was witnessing.

"tell her what you'll do, reo!"
"or don't. she'll pepper-spray you a second time. it'll be a hassle carrying you to the infirmary again. you're heavy."

"don't act like you did it." kunigami called out.
"well, i got tired just from watching you."

"we don't care!" isagi grabbed his hair in exasperation, " just get this over with and tell her what you'll do to her!"

you tilted your head in confusion, looking at reo through your lashes. "what will you do to me?"

"SPIT IT OUT." isagi yelled from the sideline.


"...this wasn't how it was supposed to go."
"aaaand cut."



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