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REO BLINKED SLOWLY AT THE PROFESSOR, processing the situation

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REO BLINKED SLOWLY AT THE PROFESSOR, processing the situation.

"is... the teacher really on instagram live right now?" he whispered to your little group.

"seems like he is." nagi only shrugged, unbothered.

chigiri pinched the bridge of his nose at the lack of professionalism and intelligence of the said professor. not only did he come fashionably late, but he now had his phone set up on his desk, filming himself looking around the auditorium mysteriously.

it was silent for a good few minutes until he finally projected the powerpoint on the board, speaking up for the first time.

"hi guys! i am chris prince, your creative writing professor for this semester. i really hope we get along." he spoke cheerfully, his british accent as clear as the day.

your eyes lit up, elbowing reo and asami who were sitting next to you. "look, he has a mole near his lips like marilyn monroe!" you pointed out excitedly, earning a grin from the purple haired boy.

it wasn't even in the same spot and everyone knew it. but did it really matter? you weren't technically wrong.

"they both speak english too!" reo added to your statement, feeding your delusions.

"not even god can save you." shidou deadpanned at his behaviour.

chigiri shook his head. reo, the goody-two shoes with perfect grades, is sure mentally challenged.

he wished he could slap some sense into him somehow, but he was busy ghosting his friends and fully taking asami's place.

oh well.

"you guys can follow my instagram," the professor continued, writing his username on the board, "if you happen to be sick, you could watch the lecture from the comfort of your bed!"

"wow! how considerate!" you commented, turning around in your seat.

"right, pops?" you asked aiku, trying to make him feel included.

"yeah..." the man's face warmed up in embarrassment as his friends laughed at him.

"i don't think he's doing it out of consideration." chigiri took out a pen, writing down the username nevertheless. if he could skip class and learn from home without any human interaction, he would.

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