Chapter one

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Zoe pov

This is just another day like any other day. You wake up, go to school then come back home, but this time I get to be the new student which is probably worse. My name is Zoe Bright and i moved to Swellview two days ago with my mom. We just needed a new start so we both chose Swellview.
I got out of the car and just stood at the main entrance. I guess I'm just scared on how my first day will turn out.
"It's going to be ok honey. I'm sure your first day will be great. See you at home."
I just gave her a warm smile just to reassure her I'll be ok but deep down i knew i was scared.
She drove off and there i was again standing alone.
Here goes nothings.

I walked in the school hallway filled with alot of students everyone minding there own business. I don't even know where to go from here.
"Hi....Are you lost. You look like you could use a hand." I looked at the girl who spoke to me.
"It's that obvious huh. I'm looking for the head mistress office."

"It's just right down the hall to your left. Are you new here."

"Yes. I actually moved here two days ago. I'm Zoe Harper."

"I'm Belle James. Nice to meet you and welcome to Swellview high. I'm sure you are going to love it here. How about i escort you to her office and we can get to know each other."

"Sure why not." I may have just met Belle but she seems pretty friendly. I guess i just got lucky.
"We'll talk more later but here it is. Don't worry she's nice just knock and get in. I have to be in class now bye." I waved as she ran to the other side of the hall. Here goes nothing.
"Come in. Zoe Harper right. I got your file right here. Excellent grade and good behaviour i see. Here is your schedule and your locker number anything else you need my door is open." I didn't speak the entire time she was talking i just nodded.

"Thank you." I walked out of the office and looked at the paper she gave me. Well good thing i have English right now. I kept my things on my locker and grabbed my english books.
I found my way to English class which was good since i didn't want to be late for my first day.
"You must be the new student. Class welcome our new student make her feel welcomed. I'll let her introduce herself."

"Hey. I'm Zoe Harper and i just moved here from Malibu." I'm not good with introduction but thats all they need to know about me. I took a seat next to a boy whom i didn't pay much of attention. I just wanted to focuse on the teacher.


The bell finally rang. "Before you go, i want you to right an essay." After the teacher said that, i could here groans from others.
"This essay is due next week. If i don't find it on my desk by Monday it's detetion for you. You are going to pair up with the one sitted next to you. Read from Mystery of the Bermuda."

"I guess we will work this thing together. I'm Buddy Fudgers nice to meet you." The boy had blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. I have never seen someone so handsome.

"Zoe... Harper. Nice to meet you too."
We shook hands but we both didn't let go. We both stared at each other. All i felt was free like everything and everyone was not there just us.
"Buddy come one, we gotta go." One the boys whom i assumed was his friend shouted snapping me from my thoughts. I let go of his hands as he stood up to follow his friend.
"I'll see you later." He said before rushing out of the class following the other boy.
I went to my locker to put my books away. My first day is not yet over and i got to meet a cute guy who happens to be my partner and the person i sit next to.
"Hey. How is your day going. I here you are partners with Buddy Furger."

"Wait how did you know."

"Well him and his friends are the most popular kids in school."
I just got here and I'm already the talk of the school.
I looked at the other side only to see Buddy and his friends.

"The one with the long hair, tall is Bose O'Brien, he is the son of the Mayor well stepson and he's the hot one. The one with dreadlocks is Miles Macklin,he's cool and on his right is Mika Macklin his sister. She's smart, nice and beautiful. The one with red hair is Chapa de'silva i think. She's a total badass but cool. Lastly Buddy Fudger, cute,handsome and definitely hot."

"You really did your research huh. Anyone interest you."

"Well maybe. I have been dying to talk to Bose but no luck. I mean i get nervous. Look at the guy, even getting close to him is hard."
I looked at all of them. They seemed to all be close like they have known each other forever. My eyes gazed only at Buddy.
"But with you i think i can try."

"What. I don't even know them."

"Well Buddy likes you. He never let anyone especially a girl sit close to him, since they just want to date him but he let you sit next to him."

He's just my partner doesn't mean he likes me. I'm sure once we finish our essay he'll just mind his business. A part of me maybe wants to get to know him.


After a few classes, Belle and I talked more. We got to know more about each other. After that i decided to head home.

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