Chapter thirteen

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Zoe pov

The girls and I were having fun. Because of Belle we ended up buying more than we wanted.
"You're not even going to wear some of them."

"Different outfits for different occasions so ofcourse I'll wear them. Now come on I'm starving."

'Breaking news. The mans nest has exploded. We haven't heard any news on danger force. Lets hope they are ok."

The mans nest has exploded. What about the boys. I gotta call Buddy. I called Buddy but he's unreachable.
"There phones are off." Mika said.

"Do you think they're ok." Belle asked with a worried look on her face.

"Come on lets go." The girls and I headed to the mansnest. The whole place was a mess. Everything was gone.
"No on could have survived this."

"You sure about that." I heard Buddy's voice. I ran to him and hugged him.
"I thought i lost you. We all thought you couldn't make it out."

"Well thank Miles and his gift. He teleported us out in a second." Bose said.

Minyak would do anything to tare us apart.
"Minyak has gone too far this time. He doesn't give a damn about anyone. He'll kill anyone that comes in contact with us." Ray said. I knew he was angry more than anyone.

Suddenly with a click of a button the mansnest emerged from underground. We were all shocked.
"Oh sorry i forgot to tell you that i build more than one mansnest. I think like ten of them. Come on in." Schwouz said as we all walked inside.

"It looks the same as the old one but new."

"Well in every mansnest there are different upgrades. So this one has a force field with electric shock and lasers and many more."

"Wow Schwouz you really are a genius. Nicely done."

"Why thank you Zoe. At least someone thinks I'm a genius."

"So what do we do about those two. Minyak and Drex." Mika asked. We all looked at Ray.
"Leave that to me. You all need to focus on your last year of highschool. I know you're graduating really soon and i don't want all of you to worry. I need you to concentrate. Go home ok."

Ray seemed worried and tired like he was carrying the whole world on his shoulder. I know he is worried that he won't  be able to save everyone.
Miles teleported the others.  Buddy and i decided to walk.
"You are worried about him."

"Yeah. It's just that he wants to do this on his own but he needs help. He needs to know that he is not alone."

"And we will show him that he is not alone. Together we can take down Minyak and Drex. We will win this as long as we are together."

"Man i love you. You are my strength." He kissed me.

"I love you too." He made sure I was home.

Sometimes i wonder if it was fate that brought me here. But thanks to the universe i found happiness.

"You're home. There's dinner in the fridge.  I'm off to work. Lock the doors ok."

"Ok. Take care and be safe." I wish that she could relax for some days but she loves her job.
Well, I'm home alone again. I don't want to bother Buddy. I decided to watch a movie. It didn't take long for the bell to ring. Someone is at the door.
I opened the door. It was the girls.

"Girls night in. We are having a sleepover." They came in.
"We didn't want you to be alone tonight." Belle said.

"How did you know."

"Your mom called me and i called the girls. So what are you watching."

Of course she did. After what happened with Minyak, i know she doesn't want me to be alone.
"Maybe we could watch Aladdin but the movie one." Mika suggested.

"Awesome. Pass me the popcorn."

The girls and had a good time. Well Mika and Belle obviously got emotional and alot of screamy when it came to Jasmine and Aladdin. I looked over at Chapa who was already asleep. Belle was also asleep. I walked in the kitchen. I drank a glass of water. I was about to head back in the living room when I saw a figure outside. I couldn't tell if it was a person or a tree because it was too dark to tell. I was scared. Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see who it was.It was Mika.
"Hey. You good. You seem a little shaken."

"Yah sorry. I thought I saw something but it was probably nothing." I looked back but there was no one. I must be seeing things.
"You sure you're ok."

"Yah just need to rest. I'm exhausted." Maybe all i need is sleep. Mika and l headed back to the girls.
I didn't want to think much so l decided to close my eyes and let sleep take over.

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