Chapter three

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Zoe pov

The rest of the week has been great even though Buddy and i haven't really talked much. Him and his friends have been missing a few classes lately which is totally weird. I mean they can't all be sick on the same day.
I was seated at the library reading since i had free period for rest of the afternoon.
A hand grabbed me on my shoulder making me flinch a little.
"You scared me." It was Buddy.

"I'm sorry. I asked your friend where you were and she said you might be here."

"Oh. I'm well i have free period and i thought i could come in the library since it's always quiet. I haven't seen you for a while."

"I had an emergency back home but it's all good now. I'm here now and i have free period too so maybe we can work on our assignment together. You know, the essay."

"That's a good idea."

He took a seat on the other side of the table which we were now facing each other.
We discussed a lot about the book and put the words into an essay. We actually made a pretty good team. It was amazing partnering up with him. After sometime, we were able to finish up the essay.
"And we are done. I guess we make a great team." He shifted his eyes to me.

"Perhaps we do." I said trying not to look back at him but it was too late because my eyes met his and i was lost in his eyes.
"So Zoe tell me something about yourself if you don't mind." He spoke snapping me out of my gaze.

"I don't mind at all. As i said before I'm from Malibu. I moved here with my mom. We both thought we needed a fresh start and here we are. My mom thought that Malibu had so much memories since my dad died. But it was a long time ago so."

"I'm sorry i didn't know." I don't really like to remember because I'll cry.

"It's ok. It was a long time ago. Now tell me something about you."

"Well not much. I used to live in Neighbourville with my mom and we moved here two years ago. My dad left us too. Well actually i don't know where he is and i don't think i want to know."
I didn't know how much noise we made because the librarian told us to be quiet.
"How about we get out here. Come on i know a place." I smiled and followed him.

"Where are we going. I hope you're not planning on kidnaping me."

"No I'm not. We are almost there come on."
He led to a beautiful place. The waters were more clrearer and different kind of flowers surrounded the place with each different colours.

"Wow this place is beautiful. Does anyone know about this place."

"No people don't tend to look harder. I found it a few weeks back. It's calming here. Wait until you see it at night will all the lights."

We both sat on the grass. "Even the grass is so soft and comfortable."

"I come here everytime when i feel down or stressed and everything goes away. It's best place i can ever be and since you're here it can be your place too."

"Why did you bring me here. Have you ever brought any other person here."

"I have never shown it to anyone not even my friends. I don't know why i chose to bring you here but it was the right choice. There is something else i wanted to ask you."

Is he going to do what i think he's going to do.
"Zoe will you go to the dance with me this Saturday."
He asked me to go to the dance with him. Buddy Fudger, the popular guy in school asked to be his date to the dance.
"Yes i will go to the dance with you."
We stayed in the garden for a while knowing each other better then went back to school for my next class.

"Thanks for today it was beatiful."

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you." And with those words he was gone. He called me beautiful. I can't wait to tell Belle about this.


"I know you are all excited for the party but if my work is not done, see you in detention after the party. If i were you i will be wise." Good thing Buddy and I are done.

I walked out of the class and someone held my hand and dragged me away from other students.

"Where were you this afternoon for two whole hours with Buddy."

"Wait how did you............"

"Well some students saw you leave and come back together. You both are the talk of the school. Looks like you're popular now so where were you. I want to hear everything. Did you kiss."

"What no, no. We just did our assignment then he took to this beautiful garden and we talked for a bit and he asked me to the dance and then we came back."

"That's so sweet actually. I didn't picture Buddy being sweet."

"Yah me too."

"Ok now we need to look good. Shopping time."

"But the dance is tomorrow night we can go shopping tomorrow morning."

"I'm not a morning person Zoe so don't push it now come one."

I guess i can't argue with her. Shopping it is. After almost an hour for shopping i finally got to go home.

"Hey Zoe. How was school."

"It was good just tired from all the shopping. Belle made me try outfits for tomorrow."

"Whats tomorrow."

"A school dance that the school host every year."

"Ok. Do you have a date."

"Yes." My mom smiled at me.

"So who's the lucky boy Zoe. Is he hot."

"Really mom. His name is Buddy Fudger and yes maybe he's hot."

"My daughter is growing up. I can't wait to meet him. Well I'm off to work now. Don't wait up and there's some food in the fridge."

Left alone once again. I mean I'm not complaining it's just i wanted my mom to take a break even if it's for one weekend but i guess doctors don't usually take a break. Since i had nothing else to do i decided to do my homework and then head to bed.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now