Chapter ten

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Zoe pov

All i felt was weak. I tried to get up but i felt dizzy. I looked at my surrounding trying to figure out where i am. I'm not home, then i remembered what happened.
Minyak, he took me and oh no my mom. I have to find her.
"Look who's awake." I heard his voice but i couldn't see him.
Suddenly he just appeared infront of him.
"Do you like my new invention. It's an invisibility tech."

"Where is my mom." I didn't care about his tech. I just wanted my mom.
"She's a sweetheart i can tell you that. She thought she was in love. How pathetic. Love is a weakness. I figured something you know. I hurt Credenza in order to hurt Captain man so now all i have to do is to make dynamite feel the same pain."

"What they ever do to you to be so heartless."

"That's a good question actually, nothing. I just love being a villian. It's exciting."

"He'll come for me."

"We are underground princess. No one can find us here. Enjoy your new home."

One of his men came running in the room. "We got a problem boss. We are under attack."

"You were saying." He looked angry because his plan wasn't going well.

"Take her." The guy grabbed me and we walked out of the room. I could hear noises getting closer. They are here. I heard my mom's voice.
"Mom, mom. Let go of me. Where is my mother you jerk."

I tried to get away from the man but he was too strong. I needed to get to my mom. But the guy put a tape on my mouth so that i couldn't talk and threw me over his shoulder.
"Let her go Minyak." It was Buddy he was here.
"Prince charming arrives. Didn't think you'd find me that first. Where are your friends."

"Kicking your mens ass. Now let her go now."

Six other guys showed up surrounding Buddy. Minyak used his tech to disappear. I kicked the guy so hard enough for me to be free and run but he followed me.
I managed to enter one of the rooms and hide. Please don't find me.
I had a blast sound coming outside the door. Then i heard footsteps and someone opened the door.
"Zoe..." As soon as i heard his voice, i felt calm.

"Buddy......" I came out of hiding but I was shocked to see who it was.
"Didn't think it was going to work."
It was not Buddy. It was one of his trusted men. He was using some kind of gadget. He used it to trick me.
"I'm going to enjoy this."
I wanted to run but slipped and ended up falling on the ground. I tried to bacl away but the man pinned me to the ground.
"Get off me..." I was scared. I was defenceless.
"Stay still, it will just take minutes."

"Please.... let go of me." I couldn't hold my tears anymore. This is how my life becomes over.
Suddenly the guy was yanked away from me.
"How dare you touch her. She's mine."

I held myself so tight. I was still in shock. "Hey. I'm here. He won't hurt you ok. I'm sorry i didn't come sooner."
I didn't utter a word. He lifted me from the ground and carried me out of the room. I cuddled up on his chest.
"Where is my mom." Is all i asked. I wanted to know she was safe.

"She's ok. Miles teleported her home she's with my mom. Rest up ok. I'm here."
That's what i did. I closed my eyes and darkness took over.


Buddy pov

I carried Zoe home. Since my mom was with her mom in the mansnest i figured she would need a little rest.
I laid her on my bed but her hand held mine.
"Please stay. I don't want to be alone right now."

Since i was still in my super suit, i blew a bubble to change back. I laid close to her and she cuddled close to me.


It's been hours since she slept. I couldn't sleep. All i could think of was how i would capture Minyak.
The reason Zoe is in danger is because of me. I came into her life and put her at risk.
Suddenly Miles showed up, startled me.
"Dude what did i say about showing up an announced."

"Relax bro. It's not like you're naked or something. How is she."

"She's ok but asleep. She has been through alot."

I got out of bed. I didn't want her to wake up. Miles and I got out of the room.
"Her being here with me is whats causing her to be in danger."

"Don't say that ok. She's special to you. I saw that from the moment you set your eyes on her. Love is something you don't wanna loose once you find it. Don't worry too much. We'll keep her safe and everyone we love."

"Wow dude, when did you become a love mentor or whatever they call it."

"It's a talent dude and watching more love stories with genuine moment."

"But you don't have a girlfriend so how does this work for you."

"Don't ruin it dude."

Miles got a text on his phone. "Sorry. I should go but rest up ok. We'll get him eventually. See you at school tomorrow."


Time to get some rest. Hopefully this week will be quiet.

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