Chapter four

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Zoe pov

After a long day of being bored it was finally night time. Belle came to my place so that we can both prepare ourselves for tonight.
"Tell me silver or blue."

"I think blue and besides blue is Bose favourite colour. Buddy told me."

"Blue it is then."

Belle wore a blue one shoulder fitting short dress with black ankle boots and maroon lipstick and curled her hair ends.
"There's no way Bose would resist this. You look gorgeous."

"What if he already asked someone else."

"If he did then the whole school
would know. I pretty sure every girl is dying to be in his arms."

"Ok now your turn. Wow me."

I got into the bathroom and decided to wear a yellow straight dress with an off shoulder black lace and black heels. I applied roseberry lipstick and curled my hair.

"Damn girl. You look hot. Buddy won't take his eyes off you tonight."

"You don't look bad yourself. Shall we."

Belle and I walked downstairs where my mom was waiting for us.
"You both look beautiful."

"Thank you Mrs. Harper."

"Oh please call me Anne dear."

Suddenly the door bell rang.
"Are you expecting someone." My mom asked before opening the door.
It was Buddy and Bose.

"Did you know they were coming."
I whispered to Belle.

"I had no idea but i like it."

"Hello Mrs.Harper we are here to pick up the girls."

"What a gentleman you are. Take care of this girls for me. I'm off to work. Have fun you guys but not too much fun."

Buddy held my hand and led me to his car. "I didn't know you guys were coming."

"Well Bose wanted to come so that he can ask out Belle. He was nervous at first. And i wanted to come pick you up."
Bose and Belle went together.
"You look beautiful. You wore favourite colour."

I smiled at him as he opened the door for me. We finally arrived at the party.
Everyone wore there best to impress. Each one had a partner. Everyone was having so much fun. The music was loud and others were having drinks and chatting.
"Wow. I never thought it would be like this. It's amazing.

"You've never been to a party before."

"Actually yes. I wasn't much fond of parties but with you here maybe i will be."

"Well I'm here now. Let's dance shall we."
He led me to the dance floor. I put my hand on his shoulder while the other held his hand. He put his other hand on my waist and even though i never danced before he made sure he didn't rush me.
My favourite song was playing. 'You are the reason.'

All i felt was safe close to him. I looked straight at his eyes and so did he. We kept getting closer till our lips touched. The kiss was passionate and i felt electricity flowing through my whole body.
We both let go and starred at each other.
Then suddnely i felt a bad cramp pain.
Oh no not today please.
"I'm excuse me. I just need to use the restroom. I'll be right back."

"Ok I'll wait right there." I rushed to the washroom and pain kept getting worse. I can't believe I'm on my period on my first date in a school with a yellow dress. Good thing i always carry a pad everywhere i go.
I tried to call Belle but she couldn't pick up. I knew she was busy dancing with Bose. What do i do now.
Suddenly i heard a knock. "Are you ok in there."

It was Buddy. "No....." i didn't realize i was crying. I felt too much pain. "Do you want me to come in."

I opened the door for him and he came in. "You're crying. Are you ok. Do you want me to call Belle."

"No i don't want to ruin her night. I'm having a bad cramps."
I said looking embarrassed and didn't look at him. I think he might have understood what i meant. He took off his coat and covered me. I held on to my lower abdomen as the pain kept getting worse. He carried me bridal style and i laid my head on his chest. I couldn't hold my tears so I cried still holding on to myself. He carried me back to the car and he drove me to his home.
He carried me and laid me on the coach. "My mom is away from town on a business trip so it's ok."

He went to the kitchen and came back with something. "Here drink this. I'll go to the store real quick. I'll be right back." He laid a kiss on my forehead and headed out.
I took a sip of the hot drink. I know it wouldn't heal but it may help a little.
After a few minutes Buddy came back with a bag and handed it to me.
It had different kind of pads and other snacks with medicine.
"How did you know."

"From a friend. Now take this medicine and go freshen up and I'll prepare something for you."
I took the medicine and he then showed me the bathroom which was in his room.
"I'll be down stairs and if you need anything just yell for help."

His bathroom was neat and smelled like lavendar. I took a bath then used one the towels he left there. I wore my tampon and realised i have no other clothes. I covered myself with a towel and walked out of the bathroom. I saw a shirt and a sweatpant on the bed. He brought me his clothes. We've only known each other for like two weeks and he treats me so nicely. His clothes smelled exactly like him but the shirt was oversize.
After that i headed down stairs.
"Thank you for the clothes. I'll return them don't worry."

"No. You can keep them. I don't mind. What's mine is yours." I drifted my eyes away from him as i blushed.
"Here drink this. It's soup but i added some small herbs and don't worry it's not bitter. Try it."
He was not wrong. It was delicious and surprisingly it helped me with the cramps. I now started to feel better.
"Are you secretly a doctor or what. Thank you so much Buddy."

"You're welcome and to answer your question, I'm not a doctor but i have learnt to use this herbs from my mom. She used to take care of me when i was sick and she mostly uses herbs."
I felt relaxed once i took the medicine and i started to feel tired. I tried to keep my eyes open but i couldn't and so i let darkness take over.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now