Chapter five

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Buddy pov

I was sitting comfortably on the coach. I looked over to Zoe and saw that she had already fallen asleep.
I remembered when i saw her cry in pain, i felt like taking it all away.
I lifted her up and carried her up to my room. I laid her gently on the bed and covered her.
I don't know why but she's changing me but in a good way.
Suddenly Miles and Chapa appeared infront of me startling me.

"Can't you at least give me a warning when you teleport."

"We wondered where you were so we decided to stop by."

"Would you please keep your voice down. If you wake her up,I'll blast both of you into space."

"Aww is Lil Buddy in love." Chapa said teasing.

"Stop teasing him Chapa. There is an emergency so thats why we came by. Bose is busy with his girl and Mika is still at the party with his guy and Ray is on a date with your mom so... yah."

"Why can't both of you do it. Chapa has like electric power just shock anyone that comes in your way and save the day. I'm sorry i can't leave her i need to be here once she wakes up so get out before you wake her."

"We understand bro." Chapa held on Miles and in seconds they were gone.
I looked at the time, it was 11pm.
I decided to take a shower and prepare for bed. I wore a sweatpant and a vest.
I didn't want to sleep on the bed since i didn't want Zoe to think that i was going too fast. I mean we just got our first kiss and so i wanted to take things slow. I decided to lay on the coach just beside her and covered myself with a small blanket. I didn't really feel tired but i decided to just nap a little.


Zoe pov

I woke up in the middle of the night, it was 12.30. I looked over at Buddy who was asleep on the coach. He let me sleep on his bed, that's sweet and a gentleman. He had covered himself with a light blanket and i knew it was cold outside so I decided to use one of the blanket he had covered me with and cover him. He looks cute when he's asleep.
He opened his eyes making me flinch a little losing my balance and almost falling but he held on to my waist pulling me close to him sitting on his lap. I did it again. I got lost in his blue eyes. I couldn't move, my body felt more warmer than the first time. I snapped out of it and got up.
"I'm sorry i woke you up. It's cold outside and i decided to cover you."

"It's ok. I wasn't asleep anywhere just resting my eyes. How are you feeling now."

"Better thank you. You really helped me a lot. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. If you need anything else, I'm here always. Get some sleep ok. I'll be here."

"Maybe you should sleep too. Like on a bed. I'm sure it's comfortable more than a couch. Maybe you could sleep here with me. You know just to.sleep."

He nodded as we both got into the bed. This was my first time being in bed with a boy even if we are just sleeping.
"Goodnight Zoe." He spoke.

"Goodnight Buddy." And with that sleep took over.


When I woke up, I was cuddled up close to Buddy. I slowly got out of bed since i didn't want to wake him up. It was already 8 am.
I really wanted to do something to thank him again and so i decided to prepare something.
I prepared toast and bacon and orange juice and set them on the table. Suddenly my phone rung. It was Belle.

Zoe: hey Belle.
Belle: Don't you,'hey Belle me'. Do you know how worried i was. I thought something happened to you.

Zoe: I'm sorry for scaring you ok. I didn't want to bother you since you were having fun.

Belle: I'm glad you're ok. Bose told me later that Buddy took you home. Take care. We'll talk later.

Zoe: ok bye.

I knew she would be angry but I'm glad I have her in my life. Once everything was set, I wanted to go wake up Buddy.
"Mmmh smells amazing in here." He already up.
"Come on eat before it gets cold. I'm not going to warm it for you. So sit down."

"Yes ma'am. So how are you feeling now."

"Amazing thanks to you. But I need to get home before my mom comes."

"Don't worry I'll drive you home once we are done."

After breakfast, I took a shower and Buddy took me home.
"Thanks again Buddy. I'm sorry that our day was ruined too."

"It's all good if you let take you on a date, a real one just you and me."

"Sounds like a date. I'll see you later."
He came close to me and kissed me on the cheek the drove away. I knew he was scared to go too fast eventhough we already kissed yesterday.
Yesterday may have been ruined but I'm glad it happened because i got to see what a sweet, loving and caring Buddy is. He is the best boyfriend someone could ask for. Well technically he's not my boyfriend yet but i hope he'll be.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now