Chapter eleven

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Zoe pov

I woke up next to Buddy actually close to him. His hand was holding my waist. I really didn't want to wake him up because i kind of liked how he was holding me. Maybe we should stay like this forever.
I remembered what happened yesterday. He was there. He saved me and brought me to his home.
"What are you thinking about." His voice snapped me from my thoughts.
"Nothing. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I'll always be with you ok. I'll keep you safe."
Where has he been all my life. Wait mom.

"I want to see my mom." I said getting up.

"Sure." I hesitated since i remembered i had nothing else to wear and i needed a shower.


"I need a shower and some clothes."

"You go shower. I'll bring you some clothes."

After the shower, i wore the clothes which were mine. Did he go all the way home to get me my clothes.
He forgot the jacket. It's cold outside.
I went downstairs and found him making breakfast. Bacon with eggs and orange juice.
"How did you get my clothes?"

"I called Miles and he teleported me to your room. Don't worry i didn't look at anything i shouldn't."

"Thank you. Could i borrow your sweater. I can see it's a little bit cold outside and you didn't bring me any."

"You can take mine. Sit and eat this ok. I'll go get you the hoodie."

He came downstairs with his yellow hoodie. It smelt like him.
"Now you can also smell like me." I smiled and took one last sip of my juice and we headed to my home.
Once i walked in i ran to my mom.

"Mom......" I hugged her so tight. I thought i lost her yesterday but she's ok.
"I thought i lost you mom."

"Me too but we are all safe thanks to your boyfriend and his friends whom i just found out they have super powers and are superheros."

"I know it's huge but I'm lucky to have them."

"I love you Zoe."

"I love you too mom."


It's been three months now. We all got back to school. The city was quiet, too quiet actually. Minyak hasn't come out of hiding or his minions which is worrying me. Buddy told me not to worry but it's not easy when he's still out there.
But all in all life has been great. We were all happy since we were almost done with our senior. Will graduate soon and i hope it will happen before Minyak does something.

"Can you believe it. We are graduating soon."

"I didn't think you would but i guess the universe is full of surprises." Chapa joked. He meant Bose.

"Well i thank the universe then."

"They will also be a party right."

"Seriously Belle. That's all you could think to ask."

"Well duh. I wanna enjoy myself first then i settle to what i wanna do in college."

"Well i know what I'll do. I'm going to travel the world and learn new things."

"Good for you Miles. What about you Chapa."

"Well I'll moving to dystopia. Henry asked me if i could join him there and there's also a good college. I still have to learn."

"That's great."

"Wait. You mean Henry who was kid danger that everyone things he died."

"Yup that's him." Mika replied.

"Cheers to almost fulfilling our dreams even if it hasn't happened yet but we have gotten this far so cheers."
We all held out our glass.

"I know it's just juice so just enjoy it." Belle said.
We were having a good time.
This is the friendship i have been waiting for. They are family.

Minyak pov

They are happy but don't know what's coming. I will destroy every last one of them. I didn't tell anyone but captain man is the reason my wife died. He should have been there to save her but instead he was somewhere else. I will destroy everything you love.
"Look at them, enjoying themselves. Being happy. They don't know what's coming."

"What do you need us to do sir."

"Well. It's time to visit an old friend."

I headed to prison in disguise so that no one would notice me.
"Who are you and what do you want."

"It's me. You don't recognise my voice."

"Minyak. What do you want."

"To make a deal with you. You need to be free and i need revenge."

"What do you mean."

"I'll get you out of prison and we go after some old friends. Captain man. I know you want revenge too."

"Ok. Whats the plan."

"Relax. First we need to get out of here."

"You mean right now."

"Yes. I already took care of the guards. Now wear this mask. Everyone is alseep."

"You are good."

"Come one it will only last for one hour."

My plan is coming in place. Watch out danger force, I'm coming for all of you.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now