Chapter fourteen

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Zoe pov

It's been days since our girls night in. Today is finally our day. The day we get to graduate
and be free at last.
"I can't believe this day is finally here. I have waited a long time to get out of highschool."

"Me too and we did it. Girls we did it. Now let's get in there and show them how we party."

"You know the party is after. We get our certificate first then some small talk from the headmaster."

"Ok now I'm bored."

After we all got our certificates, the headmaster gave a little speech. Belle slept through the entire speech. I can't blame her it was boring.
"We finally did it guys. We did it. Come drinks on me. Let's go." Miles said as we all headed out.
We ordered drinks. Chapa held out her glass and said. "Cheers to knew beginnings."

"I'm definitely not gonna miss highschool but I'll miss you guys."

"Oh Chapa we'll miss you too."

"After all we've been through together, even though some were hard we always had each other's back. We are family."

"That was beautiful Zoe. It's been the perfect day and nothing can ruin this."

Suddenly the sky turned dark and there was an explosion. We went outside to see what was happening. Everyone was running and screaming. It was chaos.
"Spoke too soon i guess."

"What is happening. Why is it dark already. That's not normal right." I asked.

"Minyak must have done something. Maybe the satellite or something. I don't but we are not safe here." Bose said.

"Miles get us to the mansnest. Maybe Schwouz has a theory about this." Mika said.

Miles teleported us back in the mansnest.
"Schwouz what's going on here."

"Well Minyak must infected the satellite with some sort something which I don't know. He might have used it to also block the sun, that's  why the sky is dark."

"We have to stop him. For good this time."
Ray said as they all transformed into danger force.
Buddy turned to me and held my hand.
"I'll be back. I promise. I love you." He gave me a light kiss on the forehead.
"Be careful. I love you too."

He let go of my hand and in seconds they were gone. Miles teleported them.
Belle, Schwouz and I were the only one left in the mansnest.
"They are going to be ok right." Belle asked as she walked around the room. I know she is worried just like me. She scared just like i am.
"They'll be fine." I assured her. We could hear explosions and loud noises.
The alarm went off meaning someone was approaching the mans nest.
"We have company Schwouz,what do we do."

"Relax they can't get in. With the force field they can't. Oh no."


"The computers have been hacked. I can't control anything. They have disabled the force field. That's a problem."

"I thought you're supposed to be a genius." Belle said angrily.
"Well yes but i have never worked with this thing before. I don't know what Minyak might have done."

"Ok then so we don't have a choice but to fight for ourselves. We can take them."

"Are you nuts Zoe. They have a weapon and we are basically outnumbered."

"Schwouz. You must have some gadgets here."

"Yah. I'm a genius of course." Schwouz gave us some weapons which at first Belle ended up destroying the Tv with it.
We managed to fight back with the help of the weapons that Schwouz gave us.
We knew it wasn't safe in the mansnest either.

"So where do we go now."


"Well well well. What do we have here. If it isn't my favourite genius. Hello Schwouz."

This must Drex, the one on tv that had escaped.
Great he did not come alone. We were now surrounded.
I stood infront of Belle and Schwouz pointing the weapon at him and shot him but it didn't even scratch him.
"Aren't you a brave girl. Nothing can harm me. I'm indestructible."

Damn it i forgot all about it. "Now you will lead danger force to us my dear."

There was smoke everywhere and everything went dark.


When i woke up, we were in a abandoned building.
"Good you're awake." Belle said.

"Where are we exactly." I asked but one thing i realized Schwouz was not here.

"Where is Schwouz."

"I don't know. They must have needed him for something. How are going to get out of here. I could have called for help but they took our phones."

"Not exactly. There is something that Buddy gave me. He told me if i ever needed help i should press it then he'll be here. Let's try shall we."

I pressed the button and waited. "But how would they know where we are."

"I don't know, maybe it has some tracking device or something. We just have to wait."

It only took a few minutes before Miles and the others appeared right infront of us.
"Took you long enough."

"What happened."

"They hacked the mansnest."

"I'm glad you're ok but we have to go." Bose said.

"We can't they have Schwouz."

"Miles and I will go get him. You two will go with Mika and Bose just to be safe." Buddy said.
Mika, Bose, Belle and I headed outside.
"Where is Ray."

"He's dealing with Minyak."

The sky was turning pink. It must be the satellite. Whatever Minyak did is affecting everything. I just hope we find a way to end this.

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