Chapter twelve

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Zoe pov

After school, I decided to head straight home.
"Mom I'm home."

"Hey sweetie. Glad you are here. I needed to head to the hospital. It's loaded with a lot of patients."

"But i thought they gave you a day off. You need to relax mom."

"I know but they need me there. They promised that i would take the next three days off."

"I'll go over at Buddy's then. I don't want to be alone."

"Ok. Take care."

I can't beleive it. My mom has been working her ass off and I'm worried that she's over working.
I headed over at Buddy's.
"Is it ok if i stay with you my mom is working late again and i don't really want to stay home alone."

"It's ok. Come on in."

"Are you alone too."

"Yah. Maybe we can watch a movie."

"That's great."
He made popcorn and brought drinks.

"How about once upon a time the movie."

We watched till it was almost midnight.
"We are in season 3 that was fast even for us."

I looked at Buddy who was fast asleep.
I walked towards him. I wanted to scare him. I got to close to him but to my surprise he opened his eyes which spooked me and i ended up falling ontop of him.
"Trying to scare me are we."

We were too close to each other. He pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was passionate. This time i wanted more of him. He carried me up to his room and laid me on the bed. I was feeling something i have never felt before. I wanted more of him. He kissed me on my neck and it felt amazing. Once he kissed a spot on my neck i let out a moan. He found my sweet spot. I don't know if i was ready for what's about to happen. He stopped suddenly.

"It's ok if you're not ready. I love you and i don't want to rush in anything."

"I haven't slept with anyone before and i guess i was just scared."

"It's ok. Like i said i won't rush you ok. You are everything to me." He kissed my forehead and i cuddled close to him.
"Now rest up ok. I love you Zoe."

"I love you too Buddy." We both fell asleep.


Buddy pov

I couldn't sleep much. I guess i have gotten used to it.
I got up from the bed slowly. I didn't want to wake up Zoe. I headed down for a glass of water. Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was Mika calling.

Have you heard.

Heard what.

Turn on your tv now. It's all over the news.

I turned on the television and i was shocked to what i saw.

"Breaking news. The notorius and dangerous villian known as Drex has escaped.
The police said he might have had some help since all the guards and cell mates were asleep.
The doctors said they might have been exposed to a certain gas which result them to sleep enabling Drex to escape."

There is only one person who could have done this, Minyak. I hanged up the phone. This is not good. This means he's planning something big and worse. I punched the wall so hard and it cracked. "Damn it."

"Buddy." I didn't turn around. She got off the bed and came towards me.
"Hey what's wrong."

"You're hurt." She led to the living room and took the first aid. I didn't even noticed i was bleeding.
"Don't do this please. I don't want to see you hurt. What's wrong."

"Drex escaped and Minyak is the one responsible."

"The guy who went back in time and came back to wipe everyone's memory so that he can be captain man. The one that teamed up with the weird virus guy that infected the internet."

"Yes and now he's out there with the most genius villian and together they make a ticking time bomb. Now we don't know where they are or how to find them."

"We'll find them but only if we work together as a team. Good always wins no matter what. Come on now let's get some rest will figure it out."

She really knows how to comfort someone with her sweet words. Man I'm lucky to have her.


We all decided to study hard. We didn't want the news to affect our studies.
It's almost graduation and I should be happy but i feel like something is not right here.
"Hey you."


"Is everything ok."

"Never better. Just another beautiful day now that you're here." I said and kissed her.

"The girls and i are going out for shopping after school."

"I can help you choose a perfect dress if you want."

"No boys allowed. I'll surprise you. We'll talk later."
She gave me another kiss before heading to class.
I guess the boys and i can hang out then.

After class, me and the boys went to the mans nest.
"Hey kids. Look who came all the way from dystopia." It was Henry.

"Sup guys."

"Henry. So glad to see you again."

"What are you doing here. I mean we're happy you came but why."

"Well Ray told me about Minyak and that Drex escaped so i came to help and also hang out with you guys. So what do you know."

"Well we know it's Minyak who broke him out and we think he might be planning something big." Miles explained.

"Well. We'll figure this out together. We just need to be prepared for anything. Where are Chapa and Mika."

"Out shopping with the girls."

"What girls."

"Bose' and Buddy's girlfriends." Miles said.

"Wow. Congrats. What about you Miles. Where's yours." Henry asked.

"Don't have one. Now would you people stop making me feel alone."

"Well you are alone." Bose said jokingly.

"Don't worry dude. I'm sure a nice girl will turn up." I said putting my arm on his shoulder.

"You're enjoying this aren't you."

"Maybe a little." We all laughed.

Suddenly the emergency alarm went off.
"Someone is approaching the mans nest." We all changed to our super suit.
"It's not someone. It's something, look."

Schwouz showed us from the screen and it was coming pretty fast.
"Come on. Everyone hold on." We all held on to each other so that Miles could teleport us away. It exploded. The mans nest exploded.
This has just begun.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now