Chpater six

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Zoe pov

It's been weeks since the prom. Buddy and I have gotten close. We have been on many dates together and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend. Everything was perfect between us and it still is.
On the other hand Belle and Bose really got close too. We even went a double date with them and it was the best moments all together. I got to meet all of Buddy's friends. They are amazing people if you get to know them. My mom also knows that I'm dating Buddy. At first he was afraid that my won't like him dating me but they actually got to be friends too. I even got to meet his mom too.
"Hey Zoe, have you seen Bose today. I have tried to call him but just goes straight to voicemail."

"Actually I haven't seen Buddy too. I have been meaning to ask you too. You know it's actually weird that Chapa, Miles and Mika are not in school either."

"I'm getting worried. What if he's in trouble. What if he needs help. What if........"

"Don't say that ok. I'm sure everything is fine and they wiill reach out to us anytime. We just need to be patience."

I hope you're ok. Belle and I went to class. I didn't really focus much since i was worried about Buddy. I wanted to know he was ok.
After school Belle and i checked Buddy home but there was no one home.
"Maybe we should go to Bose. He might be home."

We then went to his home and his mom was home.
"Sorry to disturb you but is Bose home."

"No but he said something about going to Miles. You should find him there."

"Thank you."

Miles home was not far only three blocks away.
"Why do i feel like all this is weird. I mean they all miss school the same day and week at the same time."

"It is weird. We should find out what's going on." I agreed with Belle. Everything was just suspicious.
We reached at Miles and Mika's home and the door was open.
Both Belle and I couldn't believe what we were seeing right now. It was danger force but without their mask on. They looked terrible and hurt.
It was our friends. Our friends are the danger force. They didn't actually notice us until Belle spoke.

"I must be dreaming right now. Bose, is that really you."
They were all shocked to see us.
"Heey Babe." Bose said to Belle nervously.
"We'll talk about this later Babe. I'm just glad you're ok." Belle said and went to hug him.
I noticed Dynamite was not here meaning he is Buddy right.
"Where is Buddy." They all looked at me with no response.
"He's upstairs but he's not talking to anyone. His mother is hurt pretty badly and she's at the hospital." Mika said.

"I'll try to talk to him." I headed upstair to Miles room. The door was not locked.
I opened the door and got inside. Buddy was in his suit but I couldn't seee his face since he was facing the window.
"I said I didn't want see anyone."

"It's me." Once he heard my voice, he didn't utter any word.
I went towards him so that i could look at him. He had been crying. He looked me right in the eyes trying to hold his tears. He immediately hugged me. "I didn't protect her Zoe. She's hurt because of me."
"It's not your fault. She's going to be ok.I'm here ok and I'm not gonna leave you." He cried onto my shoulder. He was pain but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I laid with Buddy on the bed till he fell asleep.
We stayed like that for a long time. I didn't even realize it was already night.
I told the others he was asleep and told Belle that i would stay with him. I texted my mom saying that i would spend the night at Mika's and she agreed.
"He's asleep for now but I'll stay with him incase he wakes up. I want to be here."

"You're welcome here Zoe and i know he needs you right now. Bose took Belle home. If you need anything just ask."

"Thanks Mika."

I let him sleep on the bed. I know he loves his mom so much since he has done so much for him since his dad wasn't there.
I don't why but the moment i saw his tears i felt that my heart was in pain. It's like i felt his pain. And i now realize that I'm really in love with him. He is not just my boyfriend but the love of my life.
I sat on the chair as sleep took over.


Buddy pov

I woke up in the middle of the night. I remembered what had happened. I remember me and danger force tyring to track down Dr.Minyak and found ourself in an abandoned building. He had kidnapped my mom since he knew that Captain man loved her. There was an explosion and it happened so fast. Captain man shielded my mom since he is indestructible but still she got hurt and had already teleported us outside.
I will find Minyak and make him pay.

I looked at Zoe. She fell asleep on the chair. She calmed me down and i was able to sleep. Well she already knows that I'm Lil dynamite and that my friends are in danger force which i don't know if it complicates things but what i know for sure is that i love her with all my heart.
I carried her and gently put her on the bed. I decided to freshen up and got to bed. She cuddled up close to me and i held her because I'm not going to let her go ever. She's my little dynamite which shines brighlty during the night. She is the best thing that happened in my life. I kissed her on the forehead.
I love you Zoe.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now