Chapter nine

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Zoe pov

I walked out of the room and all eyes were on me.
"Wow. You look......I......well."

"I think you broke him Zoe." Chapa said and everyone laughed.
"Beautiful." He said, his blue starring at me.

"Well you look handsome Babe. Shall we."

"Right this way my lady. We'll see you later guys."

Once we were out, i noticed that his car was not in the drive way. Are we going on foot or what.
"Are we walking or."

"No i have a better plan." He blew a gum and changed into dynamite. I know it's the same person.
"Are you afraid of heights."

"I don't know. Maybe." He picked me up bridal style and i held on to his neck.
"What are you doing."

"I'm taking you out remember. Do you trust me."

"Yes I trust you."

"Ok hold on tight."

Ok maybe I'm afraid of height. My eyes were closed. I didn't want to look. I do trust that he won't let go it's just fear i guess.
"Open your eyes Zoe. It's ok. I won't let go, I promise."

I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise it was interesting. I could see the whole Swellview from up here. It was beautiful.
"It's beautiful. Do you do this all the time. You know fly."

"Yah pretty much. It's peaceful sometimes."

He laid me down gently till i stood on my feet. We were on the roof top. The lighting was great and the flowers. He remembered my favourite.
"Wow. When did you have time to do all this."

"I had a little help. Here, Belle said they were your favourite." He handed me a bar of chocolate covered with sprinkles.
"Thank you. This is sweet."

"And Miles got us pasta and some italian food from italy."

"I love pasta. My dad used make this. He was not italian but he loved it."
This brings back the old days i guess.

"He'll be so proud of you."

"Yah. Thank you for this Buddy. It's perfect."

"I'll do anything to bring a smile on your beautiful face."

Our date was going well. Buddy was sweet. I never knew that i would be with him or that he will be mt boyfriend. I mean i remember coming to school on my first day. He is a popular guy and a superhero and I'm just a simple girl. Who would have thought we could be one.
After our date, both Buddy and I watched the stars.
Our date was perfect. I didn't even notice the time. It was a few minutes to midnight.
"It's getting late. We should head back."

He flew me home. He leaned close to me and we kissed.
"I had a great time."

"Me too."

"I love you Zoe."

"I love you too Buddy."

He kissed me on more time before flying up in the sky. I got in the house but mom wasn't home. Maybe she's still on her date. I got my heels off and decided to eat something before heading to shower.
I walked into the kitchen only to find Minyak standing on the other end with a knife in his hands.
"How was you date with Dynamite."

Oh no. What am i going to do. I tried to make a run for it bumped into a strong guy.
"Going somewhere. I'm not done with you yet."
He sprayed me with something making me feel dizzy.
"Nighty night." Is all i heard before evrything went dark.


Buddy pov

Once i dropped Zoe home, i went to the mansnest. I changed back to my original. When i got in, they all turned there eyes towards me.
"Hey guys. Thought you'll all be home. It getting late. Don't we have school tomorrow. I thought they already fixed what Chapa did."

They still didn't respond. "Whats with you guys. Is there something you wanna tell me."

"I don't know how to say it but I'll show you."

Mika said and we all looked at the screen.
"I was able to find another angle like a mirror or something to look at the guy in the hospital. The one talking to Zoe's mom. I thought he looked familiar. Once i ran his face through the computer. This is what i found."

It was Minyak. "Wait so the guy going out with Zoe's mom is Minyak. Wait, i just dropped Zoe home."

"I'll call her." Mika tried to call her but her phone was off. Please it can't be what i think it is.

"On it." Miles teleported us to her home. We searched the whole house but there was no one home.
"Minyak might have followed you two and knew when she'll be home."

"We are gonna find her." Mika assured.

"When i find him this time, I'm gonna kill him." I stormed off and decided to look for her. I sesrched every abadoned place, but it was all in vain.
Where are you Zoe. I promise you I'll find and I'll hurt anyone who touches you.

I went home and decided to get some sleep but i couldn't. How could i sleep knowing that she's not ok.


I don't know how i even slept but i was woken by the sound of my phone ringing. I checked to see who it was.
It was a message from Mika. She said she might have found a lead.
I changed my clothes and rushed to the door. I opened the door and to my surprise it was my mom.
"Mom. I didn't kmow you were going to be discharged today."

"I wanted to surprise you. Where are you going. You seem in a hurry."

"Minyak took Zoe and her mom too and we need to find them."

"Let's go then."

"Wait you just got from the hospital. You need to rest."

"I'm good. Now get your butt in the car and let's go."

Can't argue with her i guess. "Ok but you'll stay at the mans nest till we find her ok." She nodded.


"Honey, i thought i told to stay home and rest." Ray said to my mom.

"She's stubborn. I tried but she won't listen. So where are they."

"Here." Mika pointed to the screen.

"That's impossible. The building blew up into pieces. There is nothing there."

"That's because it's undergound. That's where he is."

"Let's go."


Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now