Chapter two

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Zoe pov

"Mom I'm home." I decided to grab some juice from the fridge.
"How was school."

"Better than i ecpected. I made a friend, her name is Belle. She's amazing."

"That's good to hear dear. Told you you can do it. I'm off to work now. My shift starts in an hour. There's money on the kitchen counter. You can choose to order or go out. Love you."
She grabbed her car keys and walked out.

"Love you too." I shouted right before she closed the door. Looks like I'm free till midnight or when she gets back.

I decided to head out for a walk and get to know more of Swellview. I got in a place called hiphop puree and bought the chocolate flavour.
I walked around the park a little before deciding to head home since it was getting dark.

I decided to pass through a shortcut which was an alley. I should have bought more puree. This is delicious. Once i was at the other side i realized that i was lost. I might have taken the wrong route. Damn it Zoe.
I heard breakings of glasses and decided to check it out which was a bad idea since i found myself in the middle of a robbery.
There were six guys and they all wore masks. I was about to turn back to where i came from only for me to kick a bottle making the guys look at my direction.
"Get her.!" I tried to make a run for it but one man grabbed me.
"Let go you jerk." I said trying to set myself free from his hold.
"Feisty one nice."

Suddenly out of nowhere a group people showed up. Wait danger force. I have seen this heroes from the tv.
"Has your mom never taught you that when a lady says let go she means it. Now let go." Captain man said.
They all came up to the men fighting them even the one that grabbed me let go and joined in on the fight.

Two other guys came out of the store and one of them grabbed me while the other one held two bags.
"Let go dude." Man he is more stronger than the first one. He can't even flinch.
Suddenly the guy holding the bag was blasted away hitting his back on the wall. "Don't come any closer or I'll hurt her. Stay back."
The guy said tightening his grip. One of the danger force, Lil dynamite looked straight at me. He signaled me to hit the guy in the special area since he was so focused on him more than me. I took my chance and hit him then ran towards Lil dynamite. Then Brainstorm used his telekinesis and threw the man to the wall.
I was still scared and shaken. I didn't even notice I hugged him and held on really tight and surprisingly he held on me too.
"It's ok. You're ok now." We both let go.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Stay safe." And like that they were all gone. Well actually teleported. I rushed home and locked the door. I ran up to my room and took a nice bath before falling asleep.


Buddy pov

I didn't really want to leave. I wanted to make sure she was safe. I know she didn't recognize me since i wore a mask. From the moment I saw her i fell for her, with her gorgeous brown eyes and beautiful brown hair. Even her name was perfect.
I never let any girl sit next to me since they just want to get close to me but i let her. When i saw how scared she was when the man grabbed her, i wanted her to feel safe. When she ran to me and held on to me, she was shaken up. I needed her to know that she's safe and no one would hurt her again.
Once we were in the mans nest, i felt uncomfortable since i needed to make sure she was ok. I decided to head back still in my super suit.
"I have to go guys, i have to run an errand for my mom that i forgot. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I flew up in the sky and followed her till she got home safe.
I didn't want to get too close so that she couldn't see me. I flew close to her room. She was already in her pjs. She climbed on to the bed and fell asleep.
'Goodnight sweet angel.'


Zoe pov

I woke up and prepared myself for another day of school. I didn't want to wake up my mom since i know she came home pretty late. I just grabbed an apple and went to school.
Belle was beside her locker admiring a Bose from the other end.
"Just go talk to him Belle."

"Well everytime i try i panick and i freeze. I don't even know if he likes girls like me."

"Don't say that. Maybe he's not like the others. I'm sure he's sweet and loving and caring and amazing." I said looking at Buddy. I think Belle might have noticed because she turned to look at me.
"You're seriously describing Buddy. I guess we are both nervous to talk to them." We got interrupted by the bell.

"I'll see you at lunch ok." I said before heading to my next class.

After class i headed over to the Cafeteria. "I hope you're hungry because i brought fries with barbeque sauce on top and tropical juice to go with."

"Wow you really know how to make someone feel better. Where have you been all my life."

"Dig in before it gets cold. There is a party coming up this Saturday."

"What party.?"

"Well every year the school host this party and it's awesome. So i was thinking we go shopping and buy a few clothes. I need to look good for Bose."

"Really Belle, if he likes you, he will accept what you wear."

"I guess your right. I'm just going to wait for him to ask me out then. Which I'm not sure if it's going to happen."

"It will happen just don't think too much about it."

We talked for a while before heading to class.
I have never been to a dance before and i don't know if i would want to be in one. But new school new rules.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now