Chapter fifteen

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Zoe pov

Miles and Buddy were able to find Schwouz. All we had to do now was figure out a way to stop that satellite.
"What are we gonna do now." I asked.

"I know what Minyak was making. He wanted to take control of all the technology and corrupt people's mind and take away their memory so that he rebuild the world with him as the ruler." Schwouz explained.

"So how do we stop it." Mika asked and Schwouz turned to Buddy.

"We use you. You walked into a nuclear reactor and got your powers. You need to use your power to suck out the nuclear particles  from the satellite."

"Is it risky."

"Yes it is. I can't guaranty your safety."

"Let's do it." I looked at Buddy. Was he serious.

"Are you crazy that's dangerous. You could die. I'm not loosing you."

"You'll not......."

"No it's dangerous. No."

"I have to try Zoe. I have."

"No please don't do this. We'll find another way."

"I have to.I'm sorry."

He put some sort of shield around so that i couldn't stop him
"No.......what are you doing. Buddy don't do this. Buddy.........please."

"I love you."

"No please." I screamed his name but it was all in vain. The shield was unbreakable.

"Schwouz get us out of here we have to stop him." Mika said.

"Let me try something." Schwouz was able to disable but it was too late, Buddy was already half way into space.

My phone suddenly vibrated. It was him.

"Zoe... I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much. I'd do anything for you to be safe and happy."

"I'm happy with you. Please...... will find another way."
I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

"I love you with all my heart. You are my little dynamite. The most precious gem of all."

"I.... I love you too Buddy." And then the satellite exploded.

"Noooo....." I couldn't believe it. He's not gone. I fell down on my knees.
I could feel someone pulling me into a hug. I cried on the person's shoulder.
"I'm sorry."

It was Chapa. I recognised her voice. I hugged her back. "He's.........gone."


Author's pov

The Hero has fallen but not for long. Find out in season two.

      The Return of dynamite

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