Chapter eight

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Buddy pov

I was selfish and reckless for trying to figure things out for myself but i finally found out that i have people who care about me.
I haven't seen my mom since she was in bad condition but now that she is awake i guess i need to.

I walked in the hospital room where my mom was.
Once i walked in both her and Ray starred at me with a worry look. I felt like it was my fault.
"Come closer son. It's ok. It's not your fault ok. The good thing is I'm finally well thanks to Ray for shielding me."

"I definitely felt pain for a minute but I'm always ok."

"Thank you for being there for my mom when i couldn't."

"No problem. We are family now and family stick together no matter what."
I have never felt happy to know that everything is better eventhough Minyak is still on the loose.
I'm happy that Ray came into our lives. I remember when i wanted to blast him into the space one time but things happens and now he is what makes my mom happy and i wouldn't want it any other way.

"I'll see you guys later. Love you mom."

"Wait where is Zoe." I forgot she loves Zoe so much.
"She doesn't know you're awake yet but don't worry I'll tell her you miss her."

"Ok. Tell her i love her and take care of her. I have never seen you happy before she came to your life. Don't loose her, she's a gem."

I hugged her and went home. She is right. I have never been this happy before but when i saw Zoe everything changed and now things are perfect.


Zoe pov

I left the others in the mans nest except for Buddy. He said he needed to see if his mom was awake. I headed home since i knew my mom would be worried.
"Where have you been. I have called you five times."

"I'm sorry mom. Buddy's mom is in the hospital. She had an accident but she's ok now i think."

"Oh I'm sorry about that. I hope Buddy is doing ok."

"He is trying but i think he'll be ok."

"That's better. Honey i forgot to tell you. I have a date."

"Who's the lucky guy that captured my mom's heart."

"Well he's an engineer. We met at the hospital. He got hurt somehow in an accident and i was the one treating him. It was love at second sight after your dad."

"That's good mom. I want you to be happy. When will i meet him."

"Well soon. I didn't want to rush things but you'll meet him. We are going out tomorrow night. I can't wait."

"I can't wait to meet him."

"Me too. Ok, dinner is in the fridge. I'm off to work. Too bad hospital don't get a day off because i would love to spend time with you."

"Don't worry we'll find a way to hang out."

I know my mom loves her job but she needs a day off. The good thing is she's free tomorrow. I never got to ask her date's name.

What do i do now. Everyone is busy in the mans nest. I decided to go to the mansnest to help the others. Buddy was not in the mans nest, maybe he's still with his mom and Ray.
"How is the search going."

"Not good. Minyak managed to hid really well. There is no image of him in the security cameras. He's good, too good."

"I thought you went home. You're back so soon."

"Well i thought i could spend time with my mom but she's busy and she has a date."

"That's great but with who."

"I actually don't know i never got the name but she said they met at the hospital. Can you hack in the security cameras of the hospital. Maybe i can get a look at him."

Mika hacked through the system with schwouz help. At first i remember asking what is a schwouz but well he is a genius.
"I'm in. Lets see. I can't really see the guy well. He doesn't face the camera."

"Well that's odd. I guess I'll wait for my mom to introduce him to me then."

"Who wants some puree. I bought different flavours just pick one."

"Awesome Chapa. That's all we need right now."

"Celebrating without me are we now." Buddy walked in.
"You know you're always my favourite right. I'll always remember you." Chapa said handing Buddy the puree.


"So how's your mom doing."

"She's awake and well. She asked for you. She said that she loves you."

"That's cute i love her too. I'll go see her later."

"We can go together."

The rest of the afternoon was great. We watched genuine moment and i got to train with Buddy. He taught me some defence skills.
"Remeber you have to be fast. You need to practice your speed. Now try to attack me. I want to test your strength." I tried to punch him but he was too fast for me. I tried again but he dogged and i lost balance almost hitting the ground but he pulled me towards him but he ended up falling on the ground and i was now on top of him.
"Well this is a great position don't you think."
I punched his shoulder but not too hard.
"Pervert. You're lucky your are cute."

I leaned close to him and we kissed. He put his hands on my waist. The kiss was passionate and i felt like i was in the air.
"Get a room you two." Miles said. I smiled shyly and got off Buddy.
"How about i take you out."

"Right now."

"Yah. At least on a real date this time. I promise you are gonna love it."

"Ok. But i don't have anything to wear and i need a shower."

"No worries. There is a spare room and a bathroom and your dress will be ready once you're done showering."
He showed me the spared room where i showered and when i got out of the bathroom, there was a dress on the bed. A black sleevesless tight knee dress. I wore it with a black open heels and rose lipstick.
I hope this will be perfect.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now