Chapter seven

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Zoe pov

I woke in bed with Buddy which i assumed he carried me here. His hand held my waist so tight that i couldn't even move. I wanted to get out of bed but i also didn't want to wake him up.
I tried to get out of his grip but it was useless. I'm pretty sure he trains everyday to be this strong.
Ok now you really have to wake up.
"Babe wake up."
He got annoyed and groaned.
"Come on Baby please."

"Fine I'm awake but only because you called me baby with your sweet angelic voice." He got up and went to bath while i decided to head downstairs.

"Goodmorning you. Did he sleep well."

"Actually he did. He's taking a shower. I'm sure he'll be down in minutes."

"Well my mom made breakfast so dig in."
Mika, Miles and i chatted a bit before Bose and Belle and Chapa showed up.

"It's a good thing we don't have school for three days because i don't feel like it at all."

"Why what happened?"

"Lets just say Chapa did some tricks. This will buy us time. We can now find that bastard."

"I'm gonna fry him with my electricity till he can't remember a thing." Chapa said as her hands sparked red electric shock.

"No one is hurting anyone. We don't kill remember. We need a plan ok. Ray is still in the hospital and i don't think Buddy is in his state of mind to fight."

"I am in good state to fight Mika. I don't need your sympathy. I may not kill him but I'll torture him. I'll make him pay for hurting my mom."

Buddy spoke with angry voice. I knew he was still angry and vengeful.
"We are only trying to help Buddy." Bose spoke calmly.
"I'm going back home. Call me we you have a better plan or I'll deal with it myself." And with that he stormed off. I know he is hurting and i just found out they are all danger force and this is just. I don't even know how to describe it.

"I'll go to him. I'm sure i can try to calm him a little."
I went to his home and he was not in the living room. I went up to his room.
"Babe... can i come in please. Baby please. I know you're hurting ok. Please."
But there was no response. I unlocked the door but Buddy was not there. I decided to check the whole house but there was no one at home. Oh no he might have gone after him. I took my phone and called Belle.

Zoe: Hello Belle. He's not here. I think he might have gone after him.

Belle: I'll tell the others. Miles will come to you ok. He'll teleport you to the mans nest.

Zoe: no I'm going after him before he does something he'll regret.

I cancelled the call before she could talk me out of it. I checked his room one more time to try and find out where he might be headed. Wait he left his phone. The last location he looked at was some house near swellview park. I texted the others the location and told them that i would meet them there.

The building looked abadoned. I heard voices and decided to check it out. I know it's risky since i don't even know how to fight.
Two guys were talking to each other.
"The boss said to secure the chemical. He cannot risk his plan again like what happened the other day."

They are talking about the explosion that hurt Buddy's mom. What is that chemical they keep talking about.
Suddenly someone grabbed me hair pulling to the others. He then grabbed my arm really tight.
"Look what we have here boys. A prey right into the lions den." What have i gotten myself into.
Right on time, Buddy showed up punching the guy holding me and blasting the other guys. He was in his super suit.

"What are you doing here. You are not supposed to be here."

"Well i can't let you do something stupid and reckless. I care about you ok and i can risk you getting hurt."

"This place is dangerous Zoe, just go please."

"You want me to go, then make me, because I'm not leaving."

The whole was not surrounded and one man came towards us.
"Dynamite what a pleasant surprise. How is Credenza doing."

"Don't you dare mention her name. You are gonna pay for what you did to her Minyak."
He became furious and angry hearing Minyak saying his mom's name. I put my hand on his chest to calm him down and looked at Minyak whose eyes now shifted to me.

"Who do we have here." Buddy pulled me closer to him. His eyes still didn't leave Minyak.
"Interesting Dynamite. I didn't know you had good taste. She is clearly a gem. It would be bad if something would happen to her."

I think now it was a bad idea to come here.
"You touch her I'll kill you with my bear hands."

"Overprotective are we. She must be important for you to protect her like that. Love is a dose Dynamite. The things we do for love is what gonna hurt in the end. Enough about love get rid of them."

He signalled his goons. This is going to be bad. Where is danger force when you need them. They suddenly showed up on time.
"Sorry we are late. I'm gonna fry this guys." Chapa said as electricity sparked through her fingers.
They fought the others managing to defeat them.

"That's all of them but Minyak managed to escape with what he was making too."

"I'm sorry guys. I was angry and i decided to take matters in my own hands. I'm sorry i pushed you guys away."

"We all care and we are all family don't forget that. We'll find him and this time we work as a team." Mika encouraged. She is the smart one and definitely the leader of all of them.

"The police are on there way. We should head back."
Miles teleported us to the mans nest. Let's hope we really capture Minyak before his plans succeeds.

Falling for dynamite: Buddy Fudger Where stories live. Discover now