Chapter 1

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So, there was a girl in my room.

This would be the first time I'd meet my future girlfriend, I just didn't know it. At the time I think I was too focused on the fact this black haired, blue eyed beauty looked nothing like who I was expecting as a roommate.

"Porsche! Your roommate is here," the mystery girl said, with a smile.

A girl with long brown hair came into view.

"Hey, I'm Porsche," she said, smiling. "This is Alice, my best friend. She's cool, don't worry."

"Are you Isabelle?" Alice asked as I finally got my feet to behave and walk into the room.

"Just Isa," I replied.

Any moment now I'd have Trent and Jake up here with the rest of the boxes, but at least I was at the right room and not at the wrong place.

That would have been embarrassing, especially since I've only just gotten here.

"I chose that side of the room," Porsche explained, gesturing to a pile of boxes on the left side of the room. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it," I said.

I had a feeling we'd get along just fine.

"We were just heading out for something to eat, but if you want we could hang out later?" Alice asked me.

"That would be great."

"Okay, let's go. I'm dying of starvation here," Porsche said right after, walking past me with an apology and an excuse me.

Alice rolled her eyes and followed quickly behind, but not without giving me a wink and saying 'later'.

I suddenly felt very grateful my brother and his boyfriend/my best friend weren't around to see that.

"Who was that!?"

"Are you meeting other girls already? GURL!"

Oh but of course I spoke too soon.

"Shut up," I said in response.

Trent laughed and dumped the box he was holding outside the room.

Jake was much more polite and put the box he was holding inside the room, on top of the bed, which I suppose was mine seeing as it was on the right side of the room.

"Okay, I'm gonna go annoy Megan and meet her roommate," T announced, referring to my sister.

He refused to come to college with us, instead insisting on chasing his modelling career with the apprenticeship he had landed with J.

It's actually how they met, a beautiful love story.

"Okay, see you later, bestie! And for the love of God, text me next time you land a cutie like that!" J said, laughing as I threatened to push him down the stairs.

Honestly they drive me crazy, but I love them anyway.

I quickly shoved two boxes under my bed, since they only contained my secret stash of treats.

I would find the dining hall eventually, but for that day I only wanted my laptop and my bed ready.

Alicia and Allison's story needed an update, and if not that then at least a reply to the questions about the next update.

The least I did was get my bed ready for sleeping in/sitting on.

Hopefully T and J would remember to bring up my boxes with my clothes in them, or maybe Megan could bother.

I could tell her how much of a bad idea it was to follow her here.

"You'll thank me in the end," she had told me when she announced she'd be going to college.

Trent and Jake had, of course, both begged me to stay instead.

"Who else's fashion sense can I criticise?" J argued.

"I don't know, your future mother-in-law's?" I answered.

T laughed. "Seriously though, what about Mom when we're working?"

The woman in question got our attention when she cleared her throat and we finally spotted her standing in the doorway of my room.

"I think I can handle myself just fine," she had said.

"Okay, then what about Sasha?" Trent asked.

"She's going to another country," I answered.

"Just try for this semester and if you don't like it then come home," my mother suggested.

I agreed to that and even if T and J pouted for the rest of the evening it was sorted.

Also, they did eventually bring up the rest of my boxes. And thankfully it was before Porsche returned.

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