Chapter 22

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"Were you telling the truth that night, when you said you liked me back?" I asked.

She nodded. "I did."

"So why were you kissing that girl?"

"Honestly, she came onto me. She did it to get attention from her boyfriend, I pushed her off but by then you must have left."

I was silent for a moment. "So....that's what happened."

"Yes, and I'm so sorry I hurt you like that."

"It's fine. Um, now we have that sorted, do you....maybe....want to go out sometime?"

"I'd absolutely love to," she replied, smiling. "Ask Porsche for my number."

Back at the room, I did ask my roommate for her best friend's number after saying we sorted everything out.

"Oh. My. God. It's happening," Porsche squealed excitedly.

"Seriously, it's just a date," I pointed out.

She groaned. "That's what they all say and then two minutes later it's their wedding."

"Seriously, name literally any TV show or movie which had a moment like that."

She stood there, smiling and then literally glaring as she failed to remember.

"OKAY YOU GOT ME! But it's what should happen, so...."

I clapped back, literally. "We. Are. Not. Getting. Married."

And then she clapped me right back. "Some. Day. You. Might."

"Really, might instead of will?" I asked, with a smirk.

"No you're right, you will."

I landed face first on my bed and groaned into my pillow.

"Oh come on, you know in your heart you will," Porsche said.

I did not dignify her with a response.

She sighed. "Can you please just let me know if you're asleep or dead right now so I know I'm not wasting my time talking?"

I lift my head to face her. "You waste your time talking every day trying to persuade me to date Alice."

She scoffed. "One, you wish you knew how wrong you are. Two, good to know you're not a corpse."

"Whatever. Can I get her number now?"

"Ooh, I've literally had it written down since I decided you two belonged together. Here you go." She grinned bashfully and handed me a slip of paper.

I glared as I took it. "You're unbelievable."

She laughed. "Yes. Yes, I am."

While she went out, I texted Alice.

I: Hey it's Isa, Porsche gave me a ton of shit about the whole number exchange thing by the way

She replied faster than I thought she would.

A: yeah she's literally been texting me heart emojis for the past five minutes, I've just silenced her messages

I: haha *laughing crying emoji*

A: *middle finger emoji*

A: anyways if you're free tomorrow night we could go on a walk?

I: is this for our date? *red heart emoji*

A: if you want it to be *winky face emoji*

Yeah, we texted for ages. Eventually deciding to meet up and take a walk through the woods since it would be nice the next night.

Porsche would be proud.

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