Chapter 16

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Porsche found us in the morning, when she slammed the door closed.

I woke up, immediately untangling myself from Alice and facing the glare of my roommate standing at the foot of my bed.

"Okay, I'm going, because I have work," Alice said, quickly locating her shoes and shoving them onto her feet before fleeing the scene as fast as she could.

I didn't say anything for a few seconds. "The only thing we did was kiss, and cuddle...a bit."

Porsche took a deep breath, with her very serious scary glare still on, before completely ruining it by laughing and breaking character.

"Ugh, I tried! YOU GUYS KISSED! AND CUDDLED! Oh my god this is the best, I told you this would happen. I told you you'd get together."

I sighed. "Okay, first of all, we aren't officially together. We only kissed."

Porsche pouted at that.

"Second of all, please never scare me like that again. You're the one who wanted us together the most and then you're death glaring me and I'm getting real confused.

She giggled, and shrugged. "Sorry, it was too good to not do."

I scoffed. "Whatever, I'm getting changed elsewhere just so you won't nag me."

"Good plan, it's such a shame we're roommates!" Porsche called after me as I walked out with a clean bundle of clothes under my arm.


That night, tired of how slow I was being with her best friend, Porsche dragged me out to a party taking place at Alice's house.

"You just need to talk to her, okay? Just tell her how you feel," she said on the drive there."

"I already did that last night," I reminded her.

She scoffed. "I meant ask her to be your girlfriend."

"Seriously? I hate you."

"Don't care."

I groaned and threw my hands in the air.

"Oh come on, just ten-FIVE minutes and then we can leave?" Porsche pleaded.

"Well there's really no point arguing, we're almost there now, aren't we?" I asked.

She grinned nervously. "Maybe."

"Okay, fine- but only five minutes. Any longer and I'll bring my brother and best friend over to kick your ass."

Porsche laughed at that as she parked.

She dragged me inside, completely ignoring everybody else, sometimes saying hi to someone or other times flipping someone off for reasons I don't want to understand.

Finally we found Alice in the kitchen.

She was leaning back against the counter, she didn't see us because her eyes were closed and she was kissing this girl.

They both looked super into it.

"Fucking shit," Porsche muttered from behind me.

"Let's go," I said, already turning around and walking away.

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