Chapter 3

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It wasn't like I didn't have an idea on what to write, but it was the fact that both Porsche and Alice were in the room.

I was sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap, trying to write out another chapter of Double As as a nice surprise to my fans and followers.

But I had never written fiction with two strangers in the same room as me before.

Megan once said that if she wrote fiction, or even fan fiction, she'd do it whenever she could, write the chapters in the Notes on her phone then copy and upload onto the website.

And of course, I am extremely self conscious of someone peering over and watching me write lesbian fiction, even if it's totally as innocent as the chapter I'm trying to write.

Alicia and Allison were fighting about which duo from YouTuber Thomas Sanders' series Sanders Sides is the best, and also if they should go to the school dance friends.

I was trying, but I just kept thinking about the fact one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen in my life was here as well as my roommate who only came by our room when she needed to change clothes or couldn't find Alice, who I would find outside of our room when neither of us were in.

But I also had to keep reminding myself I had a girlfriend, I had Sasha. Even if we didn't see each other in person anymore and the times we could text were way out of sync and don't even get me started on phone calls.

So for about fifteen minutes I was stuck on that bed with the blank screen of the asleep laptop staring back at me.

If Porsche or Alice noticed they didn't say anything, just continued to root around in Porsche's closet.

Apparently she couldn't remember if she left a certain dress at home or if she brought it with here.

"Found it!" Alice cried. And Porsche actually let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, this is my favourite dress," she said, holding the item of clothing to her chest.

Alice caught my eye and smiled, I smiled back to be polite.

"Okay, I'll go get changed then we can go," Porsche then said, climbing out the closet and walking out the door with a 'bye Isa'.

Alice followed behind. "Later."

When the door was shut behind her I finally felt like I could get some writing done, at last.

'Alicia sighed. It was a stupid argument but she wasn't one to back down easily; Logic and Morality were easily the best duo/couple out of them all. She said this to Allison who obviously denied the fact'.

Oh yes, I can be the worst at writing romance, especially when the closest I've come to it is being with Sasha but thinking back to when we were together in high school, I don't understand what I saw in her.

She wasn't ugly to look at, she actually looked very lovely.

We liked each other a lot but I had never been in love before, I was new to the whole relationship thing.

And in her defence, so was Sasha. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing.

Thinking back I guess we just acted friends or something like that.

So what did that mean- we were never actually dating?

Ugh, too much to consider, too much still to write.

I focused on Alicia and Allison, because at least then I knew how the story would end and that the pair would eventually be a couple in a healthy relationship with a happy ending.

I'm a sucker for those kinds of endings.

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