chapter - 2

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Kinn's reverie was broken when he heard police's car's siren sound. He open eyes looks.

Kinn : Police came. May be they found something about Porsche........ (with hope run from room hastily to listen a good news about Porsche)......

All are standing in hall  . Kinn come running see police. A ray of hope built inside him......

Pete : (whisper to Vegas) Don't know how much we have to see P'Kinn like this, I really feel very bad for him.....(sadly).....

Vegas : (whisper) Just for some days after that Kinn have to accept Porsche is no more. I know Kinn will slowly become normal....(sadly).....

All feels bad to see Kinn like this , everyone love Kinn so much.....

Kinn : (with hope come toward police)...... Leo (police officer head and kinn's friend)! Do you find some clue about my wife? Do you find where is my Porsche?......(his heart and eyes are showing pain for Porsche).....

Leo : I am sorry to say Kinn but still we didn't found anything about your wife......(feels bad to see Kinn like this).....

Kinn : (his hope shattered listening his this statement which make him angry).....then what the hell are you doing from 1 month. From one month my wife is missing and you are doing nothing.....

Leo : Kinn! We are trying.

Kinn : (angrily)..... If you are trying Leo then where are the results of your attempt? Why you don't able to find any clue about my Porsche?......(Leo open mouth to say but he interrupted him showing hand).....Now I don't need your help. You all can't search my Porsche. Now I will search my wife by my own.....

Leo's junior : (speaks because he can't see his senior insult more)......Mr Anakinn we also are trying to find but he is not finding anywhere. I think now you should accept that your wife is no more.....

Kinn: (shouts angrily make everyone jump)..... Inspector!! Don't you dare to say this again. Don't compelled me to change from Kinn to Anakinn theerapanyakul who is Devil for whole world. My wife is alive. Kinnporsche are no two different person. They are two body, one soul. If I am alive then how my Porsche can leave this world. He is fine and me Anakinn theerapanyakul will make everyone see that love has so much strength. I will find my Porsche.......

Leo : Kinn! Calm down, I'm sorry on behalf of my junior. I believe you, I know if you are saying Porsche is alive then he must be alive......(try to calm kinn's anger)....

Kinn : (compose himself) I don't need your help anymore Leo. Now you all can leave from here.

Leo go from there with his team. Kinn also start going but stop by Rose....

Rose : (concerned) Kinn! first have your breakfast. You didn't eat anything from yesterday.....

Kinn : mom! Now for me nothing is more important then finding Porsche. You don't worry. I will take care of myself...... (turn to go but Alexa stop him)......

Alexa : not even Phoenix and Finnegan??.....(that jolted kinn's steps)..... you they also didn't had anything from night.....

Kinn : (shocked) what?? Why didn't you feed them?? Where are they??....

Rose : we tried Kinn but they refused to eat. Just like you they are also missing Porsche and want their mother. They are very small Kinn, they needs you Kinn, they are also missing their mother like you.  Please eat something Kinn, not for himself but for them. In this condition, only you can handle them.......

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