chapter - 10

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Porsche get shocked to see Kinn is also sitting in bus looking at him with his signature smile. Porsche become shocked seeing him in bus. He sign Porsche to come beside him. Porsche come toward him.

Porsche : (shocked) Kinn! What are you doing here?

Kinn : (make excuse) um today I thought why not to come with kids. So I am here....

Porsche smile listening him. A blush come on his cheeks seeing him who is looking at him intensely looking cute. He sign Porsche to sit beside him. He shook head sit beside him.

Kinn notice him find him in black dress smile seeing him , know he wear it for him.

Kinn : (teasingly) Porsche ! Are you wore my favorite color for impressing me?

Porsche become shocked listening him. A pinkish blush come on his cheeks though he wore for him but don't know why he did this.

Porsche : (make excuse) No! It's just a coincidence.

Kinn : (smile seeing him lying, who can catch his lie by seeing his eyes) Ohh! So its a coincidence....... (Porsche nod yes, he go near his ear).....Such a beautiful coincidence is this.

A shy smile come on Porsche 's face. He is smiling looking down. Kinn tuck his hairs strands behind his ear which disturbing his sight. Porsche close his eyes feeling his fingers in his hairs. His heart raising fast with his touch. Kinn is looking at him intensely with love filled eyes admiring him lovingly smile seeing his effect on him.

Kinn : (near his ear) Porsche!! (huskily).

Porsche : (while clutching his bag with close eyes his heartbeat raising fast by his proximity) Hmm....

Kinn : (teasingly) where are you lost?

Porsche come into sense looks at him who is looking at him closely. He avert his gaze from him to other side with pinkish glow on his face which increasing his beauty. Kinn smile at his cuteness......

Suddenly bus gets jerk with jerk Kinn fall on Porsche both become shocked but soon lost in each others eyes. Both are seeing each other intensely holding emotions in their eyes. both are looking each other without blinking eyes.

They come into sense by again jerk. Porsche become embarrassed looks at other side. Kinn also get up from him mumbling 'sorry' , Porsche nod yes.....

Bus again jerk he again fall on his shoulders. Kinn make a sorry face to him while Porsche is looking at him with smile admiring his cuteness.

He again fall on his shoulders. Porsche is giggling seeing him falling again and again. Kids are also laughing seeing him.

Kinn : (to Porsche) I am sorry Porsche...... (yell on driver) Driver how you are driving bus? And where the hell is this of it's seat belt?......

Porsche burst in laughing listening him who is asking where his seat belt is. He is laughing, seeing him laughing Kinn become confused.

Kinn : (confused) why are you laughing?

Porsche : (laughing) Kinn! There isn't any seat belt in Bus.......

A/N: (I don't know about this exact that in bus seat belt is there or not but for story's requirements I added so if it's possible that seat belt are in bus then take it as imagination)...

Kinn : (shocked) what? Really?

Porsche : (while laughing) Yes! Are you traveling from bus at first time?....(while stop laughing, while giggling silently)......

Entangled By Fate [ff: Kinnporsche] (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now