chapter - 30

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In Party!

Whole theerapanyakul mansion is beautifully decorated.

Porsche searching Kinn in party who is not seeing anywhere.

Porsche: (to himself with frowned) where he went? I don't like anything without him. (Not liking anything).....

He see a waiter is coming with yellow colored drink thinking it's cold drink. He called him. He go toward him show him drink.

Porsche about to take it but one hand stop him. Porsche see find Kinn who hold his hand.

Kinn: Porsche!! You can't drink it.

Porsche: why? (confused) It's normal orange juice.

Kinn : It's not orange juice Porsche. (make him smell it)...It's hard drink...... (to waiter) what is this? Where is your mind? What I told hard drink's section is separately there. So no need of distribution of it. If he would drink then? Just get out. I don't want careless person.....(angry concerned for Porsche 's health).

Waiter: (scared seeing his anger) I am sorry sir! I didn't knew about this....

Porsche: (seeing him angry to make him calm) Kinn! Calm down.

Kinn : (concerned) How I can be calm down Porsche? you are pregnant. It could be dangerous for you and baby.

Porsche feels good listening him but also confused seeing his care and concern for his baby. He is not understanding why he care for his baby so much while remembering his care for his baby too. He agree that he love him unconditionally but still loving someone's else baby is which making him confused.

Porsche: Kinn!! I am fine. Please don't be angry and he is not at fault. I only called him. Now he will do this again. Please don't punish him....(Make puppy face).

Kinn see his face smile sign waiter to go. He go saying Thank you to him.

Porsche: Kinn!! If I ask you something. You will not be angry na?

Kinn : (chuckles) I can never be angry on my Porsche. You say.....

Porsche: (confused) You love me so much. I know. But why you love my baby? Why you are so concerned for my baby?

Kinn : (smile) You will get all answers of your every questions very soon.....

Porsche: what you are gonna do in this party?

Kinn : wait and watch..... (smirk make him confused by his smirk which showing determination for something he get a call)... I am coming..... (he go for the arrangements which he planned).

Porsche: What he will do? (confused, he go toward nampheung).

Party is going on swing. All are dancing. Kinn come towards Porsche who is standing with Nampheung.

Kinn : (smile) Can I have pleasure of dancing with this beautiful guy?.... (while forwarding hand toward Porsche).

Luke : (interrupted him coming beside Porsche) No!! Porsche is mine wife and I am not allowing him to dance with other man. (with smirk).....

Kinn clench fist tightly in anger listening him addressing Porsche is his wife. Suddenly his angry face turn into smiling when Porsche put palm on his hand without thinking anything make him smile. This make Luke angry.

Kinn sings while looking at Porsche intense with love cupping his face softly in his palm, Caress his face with love. Porsche smiling in tears listening his song which showing his deep love for him....

Entangled By Fate [ff: Kinnporsche] (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now