chapter - 11

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After school timing!

Porsche come out from his class bid bye to all kids who are biding bye to him by kissing his cheeks. In meantime he made a very good bond with all. Kinn who also come from his cabin see this all adore his Porsche, also jealous from kids too. All kids go from there.

Kinn : (come near him) wow! You made everyone your fans in one class itself.....

Porsche : (smile) Kids are very cute.....

Kinn : (smile nod yes remembering their kids) let's go to our bus now.....(make faces about to turn but feel grip on wrist find Porsche is holding his wrist)......

Porsche: We will not go in bus. We will go in car only.....

Kinn : (surprised) what? And about your that statement I don't want special treatment from you.? ( mimic him).....

Porsche : I don't want you to trouble because of my wish and there is no problem in coming in car.....(Kinn smile seeing his care for himself).....So we will go in car.

Kinn : Okay sir......(Porsche smile both go from there).....


In Car!

Kinnporsche are sitting in car. Kinn driving car but feeling pain in neck because of sprain. Porsche notice him who is putting palm on his neck.

Porsche : (concerned) It's still paining?

Kinn : No! I am fine Porsche....(Porsche nod yes in meaningful way).....


After sometime!

Both reach at Kittisawat mansion. Both come out from car.

Kinn : (smile) Okay Bye Porsche ......(about to turn but Porsche stop his hand) what?...

Porsche : come inside.

Kinn : why?

Porsche : I said na come then come.....(hold his wrist take him inside).....

He take him in his room while he is looking at him all confused. He make him sit on bed when he open mouth to say something he interrupted him.

Porsche : quiet. Sit here silently. I am coming......(go from there leaving Kinn all confused by his gesture)......


After sometime!

Porsche come in room see Kinn checking mails in his phone shook head take his phone put it on bed. Kinn is about to say something but Porsche put palm on his neck.

Kinn : what are you doing Porsche? ( immediately)......Don't tell me like Marsh you also have bad intention on me. Oh God! Seriously , Times become very bad . Boy's dignity are in danger. Please save me....(dramatically).....

Porsche : (roll eyes at his drama with blush).... Kinn stop it. Stop your drama and keep quiet.....(Kinn nod yes putting finger on his lips, he take his finger from his lips)......

He put ice pack on his neck to soothe his pain. Kinn become surprised seeing this. A smile come on his face remembering when Porsche first time put ice pack on his neck, when he get sprain in his neck while playing with kids.....

Porsche : (while putting ice pack) are you feeling better?.....(see Kinn who is lost in his thoughts call him but he all lost snap finger in front of him).....what happened? Where are you lost?....(make him come from his dreamland).....

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