chapter - 6

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At Kittisawat mansion!!

Kinn come with Porsche in his arm. Others family are already reached there . Porsche looking at everything keenly trying to remember it but unable......

Kinn : (see his face which showing uneasiness)....what happened?.... (with concern filled eyes).

Porsche : (sadly) I am not able to remember anything about this place.....(trying to remember)....But I am finding it's familiar.

Kinn : ( smile seeing at least he found it's familiar).....It's okay! You will remember everything slowly slowly. Don't stress yourself..... (politely).....

Porsche feels good listening his polite tone looks at him then lowers eyes. He take Porsche inside of kittisawat house. Where all are already waiting for them. He take Porsche inside his room.

Porsche become awestruck seeing scenario of room. Whole room is beautifully decorated with lavender flowers. He is amazed seeing his many pics hanging on wall. Whole room is giving him a positive vibes. He is feeling good seeing this. He see down find welcome back written with flowers make him smile brightly seeing this.......

Kinn admired his smile after a big one week which was for him equal of thousand death but seeing his smile he is feeling alive again by his smile......

Kinn : (monologue while looking at Porsche lovingly) Welcome back Porsche.......

Porsche : (amazed) wow! It's so beautiful. Who did this all?.....

Kinn who is admiring his smile become startled listening his words. He is confused what to say. He is not understanding he should tell he did this all or not.

Kinn : (in mind) what should I say now? For Porsche I am only his bro in-law 's elder brother nothing much. If I told I did this. Then he will feel uncomfortable because he don't remember me and our love.

He open mouth to say something but Pete interrupted him.

Pete : (with tight smile) I did this all for you Porsche......

Kinn become shocked listening him. Porsche is looking at him with unconvinced look.....

Porsche : (not convinced) really?

Pete : Yes Porsche I did this. I was so broken when you weren't here but when you came back. I made this all arrangements for your welcome back because now I am so happy....... (with fake smile showing his love to show whole family)......

Person smirk listening this.....

Person :(in mind) I must say, he is one step ahead to me in acting. Keep going Pete, good........I will not let kinnporsche become one again..... ( irritatedly).......

Porsche : (not exact convinced but nod yes with tight smile) Thank you Pete......

Kinn take Porsche toward bed make him lay on bed comfortably make Porsche smile at his sweet gesture. Pete sit with Porsche make him feel irritate by his clinging behavior.......

Rose : (come inside calling Pete) Pete! Your brother is sick and you are sitting. Come and cook food for him......

Alexa : Yes Pete!, everyone is present here. So we have to make food for all. So come with us......

Listening Rose and Alexa, he get up from place go with them. Porsche sigh seeing him went. Others are sitting in hall......

Porsche :(irritatedly , in mind) what kind of guy he is? He is clinging so much. Who do like this? (make faces)......

Entangled By Fate [ff: Kinnporsche] (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now