Seblos: The Ferber Method

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Summary: Seb wants to use the Ferber method by training his and Carlos's baby daughter to sleep on her own throughout the night. Whenever he hears his baby crying in the middle of the night, Carlos tries to sneak and comfort her, and Seb, feeling frustrated with his husband, tries to stop him from doing that. But things do not go as planned.

Notes: This story was based on the events of the Modern Family season one episode "Up All Night". There will be a few rewrites of the original storylines and an alternated ending. This is another story of a past mpreg.
Ever since Rosa came along, all she ever did was cry as usual. But when she would cry at night, Carlos also cried while feeling the pain. Recently, Seb talked to his husband about how they should be using the Ferber method, as in training their baby daughter to sleep on her own without having her parents running in and helping her and causing this to be a problem. But it really had not gone as planned.

It started out when Seb got up in the middle of the night as he noticed Carlos was not in bed next to him. Then he heard the tv from the background. Seb got out of the bed and walked downstairs to see what was going on. The second he entered into the living room to see Carlos holding Rosa who was hiccuping on his lap while they watched tv together, Seb was in shock. 

Carlos (looks up at Seb): Don't be mad. I just got up to change her.

Seb did not like where this was going.

Seb: No, no, you got up to comfort her, which only teaches her that every time she cries, her daddy will come in and cuddle her and put on her favorite-- (turns to face at the tv as he hears a chainsaw noise) What are we watching?

Carlos: Brian De Palma's controversial masterpiece, "Scarface."

Seb was surprised and more shocked as he glanced at between Carlos and the movie on the tv where the sounds of guns were shot.

Seb: For the baby?!

Carlos: She happens to like it. I don't know if it's the colors or the -- the sounds. (sees a scene from movie while talking about Rosa) Oh, here comes the nightclub massacre. She loves it. Watch her little eyelids. It's so cute. They get so heavy.

Seb was starting to become furious at Carlos, so he forced him to turn off the movie and go straight upstairs to put Rosa back to bed and get back into their room. The rest of the night was going to be very difficult as Seb was keeping an eye on Carlos to make sure he wouldn't get more anxious anytime he would be going into Rosa's room when she would cry...

But Carlos could not take control of himself whenever he heard his daughter's cry for help.
*on a security camera* *take 1*

While Seb was "asleep", Rosa was crying once again when it was a quarter to midnight, and Carlos tried to come in through the door to go and comfort her. When he was about to reach her...

Seb (from distance): Carlos!

Then Carlos backed away immediately and went back to the bedroom the second he left Rosa who continued screaming and crying.
*take 2*

It was a little past 12:30 when Carlos tried it again as he made a quick pace to sneak into his daughter's room.

Seb (in distance): Carlos!

Carlos quickly turned around and shut the door behind him, leaving little Rosa all alone again. That poor little darling.
*take 3*

It was almost four in the morning, and Carlos tried to make it to Rosa on his third try by tiptoeing his way in and almost had her until...

Seb (popping up): Out!

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