Seblos: My Future

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Summary: Carlos finds out he's pregnant  at 12 weeks, and is scared on how he should tell Seb. So, he hides his pregnancy away, but Seb starts to get a little suspicious on what Carlos is hiding. Then, Seb confronts him about what's been going on with him, and Carlos confesses about the baby to him which he gets scared about because he doesn't know what to do, and needs Seb's help.

Title based on the song by Billie Eilish

Requested by @Sebloslove
"You're pregnant."

Carlos went into shock just as he heard those words from the doctor when he was at his doctors appointment not long after he started to feel a little sick a while ago.

Carlos and his boyfriend, Seb, whom he had been dating since they were in high school, had been together for about five years, and they were living in New York, building up their dreams of becoming theatre actors. As time went on, Carlos had recently gotten the lead role in Disney's Aladdin on Broadway, and Seb couldn't be proud of him. 

But about a few months later, Carlos had been off his game just as he was not feeling much of himself. Seb was feeling worried about Carlos whenever he would throw up in the bathroom often around in the morning. For the last couple of days, Carlos would call in sick as he was expected to be at rehearsals for the musical, and the director of the production to not worry as much but to be back as soon as possible. On the side note, Carlos also had gained some weight without even noticing, and his stomach a bit bloated.

So one day, while Seb had a shift at the restaurant, Carlos was lying in bed feeling ill. He almost couldn't figure out why, so he decided to book for a doctors appointment, and he was in luck as the doctor was available for the day. Carlos called Seb to let him know he was going to the doctors before he left the apartment.

When he got to the hospital, a nurse called his name after he waited in the waiting area. Carlos met with the doctor and she asked a few questions about how he felt as he explained about the symptoms he was having. Then the doctor ran some tests on Carlos and it didn't take long when she got them back. She told him that everything was fine except for this one, tiny detail she told him about in those two words.

Carlos was shocked for a moment until he snapped out of it.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm what now?"

"You're pregnant," the doctor repeated.

The thought fo it made him feel frightened.

"No, no. That's impossible. I couldn't be..." Carlos was in denial.

"Well, I would like to do an ultrasound just to make sure. Is that okay?" the doctor asked.

Carlos almost couldn't answer as he was starting to feel nervous about this. Because even if he was really pregnant, then he wouldn't know how to tell Seb. So, he didn't say anything but nodded. And then, the doctor went to get an ultrasound machine and came back a few moments later. The doctor asked Carlos to lie down on the chair before she put gel on his stomach, which made hime shiver a bit. Then the doctor moved her wand around Carlos's stomach until she stopped when an image appeared on the screen.

"Oh, there it is. Just right there," the doctor pointed at the screen where there was a tiny baby figure in there.

Carlos could not believe his eyes. He really, indeed, was pregnant. He could hear his own heart beating in the chest so loudly as he was having a scary feeling about it. Then he looked up at the doctor as she was still speaking, but he didn't hear what she was saying over his loud heartbeat.

"Wh-What were you saying?" Carlos asked in confusion.

"I said did you wanna hear the baby's heartbeat?" the doctor asked.

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