Seblos: You Deserve a Family Who Will Love You

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Summary: Seb spends the first/last moment with his and Carlos's daughter before giving her up for adoption as planned after a long journey of Seb's pregnancy during senior year of high school.
Author's POV
Senior year of high school was quite difficult for Seb Matthew-Smith and Carlos Rodriguez, but they survived through the whole year. Especially while Seb was pregnant.

Not long after senior year started, Seb was feeling very ill, and he did not know why. He worried his family, and his friends. Even his boyfriend, Carlos. Then one day, he found out he was pregnant when he was taking a pregnancy test in the boys's bathroom at school. He was scared when he did not know what to do, but he knew he was not ready to be a father, especially at a young age. So, he had to tell Carlos and everyone else in his life, and then figure out a plan on what to do with his baby. Later that same day, Seb caught up with Miss Jenn, Carlos, and his friends at rehearsals for Moulin Rouge, the musical Miss Jenn picked out for the semester. Seb was casted as Christian, which was his first leading role ever, and while he was doing a scene with Gina, who was playing Satine at the time, he threw up in the middle of the song they were doing, and he felt embarrassed and he apologized to everyone about that. Then Miss Jenn convinced Seb to go home and rest up, and Carlos volunteered to leave rehearsals early to take Seb home. 

When they got to Seb's house by his family's farm, Seb had found the right time as he told Carlos the news. Carlos was a little confused on what Seb was talking about, and Seb took the time to explain about the pregnancy test he took. Carlos was in a little shock, but Seb was mostly terrified. They were on an agreement as they were not ready to be parents while they were still in high school, but they could not get rid of something so beautifully innocent that could bring joy into anyone's lives. Carlos and Seb both thought of the idea on giving their baby up for adoption, and about a few days later after doing some searching, they found the perfect couple known as the Mosbys who tried hard to have a baby, but did not have much luck.

Seb and Carlos sat their parents down and told them about Seb's pregnancy, but they said they planned on giving their baby away as they had already found the married couple who wanted to adopt a baby. Their parents were disappointed in the boys because they were not being safe, but they support the plan. Seb and Carlos told Miss Jenn the same thing, but they were willing to keep up with the musical, and then they perspectively told some of their friends, especially Gina and Ashlyn. Later on, Carlos and Seb met with the adoptive parents who were very grateful to the boys for the giving their baby to them. 

And throughout the months of the pregnancy, Seb kept up with school, doctors appointments, and even the fall musical. On opening night of MR, Seb was horrified about going on stage since he had never gotten the lead role before, but Carlos talked some positive sense into him by telling him he was a star. And when Seb went on stage, he knew Carlos was right as he gave what he got inside of himself. Even when he did it without being laughed at or being judged as he got a baby in him. And that night had changed his life, and he could not have been more happier and thankful for that.

Some time later as it passed on, Seb and Carlos would give updates to the Mosbys on how well Seb was doing with the pregnancy, and that their baby was doing great. And a week before their high school graduation at the end of the year, Seb had gone into labor as Carlos was there to help him and the Mosbys were there for their baby to be born. Hours later, Seb gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. 
*in the hospital room*

The nurses were cleaning up the little girl while Carlos was drying the sweat off of Seb after he pushed the baby with all his strength.

"You did great, my love," Carlos said.

"Thanks," Seb replied.

The boys glanced over at the baby where she was being swaddled up in a blanket by one of the nurses.

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