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❝We'll be alright

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We'll be alright...

—— ༻𐬽✧𐬽༺ ——

Walking down the stairs of the group home, I was rehearsing what I was going to say to Louis and Julie about the message I had received earlier today at school. Surprisingly, Gracie and her friends had actually left me alone since the incident the other day. It was now 6:58pm and it was getting close to sunset, when her and her friends would go shopping. I was waiting until they left to bring up the topic of Taylor Nation texting me.

So here I was, walking down the steps of the group home, mumbling to myself about what I'm going to say to them. "Okay, so... I got a text earlier from Taylor's team. They were asking for information about myself... they asked if I've ever met Taylor and I think it might be for a secret session..." I spoke quietly to myself and then let out a sigh as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks when I heard the sound of pounding footsteps run across the wooden floors of the group home. "Lucas, hey! I told you, no candy before dinner!" Louis shouted, probably loud enough for people outside to hear. Lucas ran through with his hands full of small candies that he had probably swiped from the cupboards whilst Julie and Louis weren't looking.

A grin made its way onto my face as I saw Lucas giving me a wave, laughing whilst he ran. Louis suddenly showed himself and grabbed onto the door frame, severely out of breath. "Jesus, how is a little kid faster than me?" He asked me, pointing in the direction that Lucas had just ran in.

I gave a shrug and a small laugh in response whilst fidgeting with the sleeves on my grey hoodie. "Um... Louis, can I talk to you about something?" I questioned, nervously. It's now or never. This is the moment I get to find out if my number one dream could come true. It could come true, or it could be crushed completely. But I had to know.

"Yeah, of course, kiddo. What is it?" He smiled and walked over in my direction, sitting down on the first step on the stairs whilst patting the spot next to him. I went to sit next to him, continuing to fidget with my sleeves.

"So... I think this is all kind of all linked to how Taylor saw my video the other day." I said, glancing at Louis to see him nodding, in a way of him telling me to explain.

"When she saw my video, I sent her a private message, saying how much her comment meant to me. Basically just saying how I love her, and all that stuff. But, um... she replied, Louis. She replied to me." I told him, taking a deep breath as I saw how his eyes widened.

"Woah, really? That's awesome! I'm really happy for you, kid." He grinned at me whilst patting my knee, slowly getting up from his place on the stairs. He probably thought that was all I had to say.

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