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 ❝Right now, I wish you were here with me

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Right now, I wish you were here with me...

—— ༻𐬽✧𐬽༺ ——

TW: abuse

Walking out of that group home was so much harder than I imagined. All I wanted to do was go back in there, take Kiara in my arms and bring her back to my apartment. She did not deserve to be in that building surrounded with the people that seem to be constantly hurting her.

I feel terrible. I've just left her in there after telling her that I was going to do something about the bullying. I mean, i'm still going to do something. I can't just let her deal with this alone after i've told her that i'm going to be there for her. I just need to trust that she's going to text me when her regular guardians are back. That way, I can talk to someone who actually cares. At the end of the day, Tree has a point. There's only so much I can do. But that's also what is making walking out of that building so hard. I feel guilty even though i'm doing everything I can.

As soon as I got in my car, I couldn't stop my eyes from filling with tears. I took a deep breath and averted my eyes to the building that I had just walked out of. 'Do not get too attached to her.' Those were Tree's exact words. I think it's a little too late for that. I might've only met this girl yesterday, but i've found out enough to know that she does not deserve even half of the things that she has to endure in that group home. Besides, i've been talking to her through texts for around a month. It's not like i've just discovered all of this yesterday.

I ran my hands over my face, taking another deep breath to try and stop the tears in my eyes from falling. Sighing, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and searched around my contacts for my mom. I need to talk to someone that will just listen to me without implying that i'm insane for everything i've done for Kiara so far.

It only took around five rings for her to pick up her phone. I kept my phone on my lap as I pressed on the speaker, allowing me to hear her voice much clearer.

"Hi, honey! How are you?" Mom asked through the phone. I took a shaky breath in as I tried to think of what to say.

"Hey, mom. I'm uhm- i'm doing okay. I just have quite a lot on my mind right now. I don't even know where to start, if i'm being honest." I told her, leaning back so my head was against the headrest.

"Okay. That's okay, just take a minute. Calm yourself down and then just start from the beginning." She stated, probably picking up on the fact that my breathing was quite shaky.

I closed my eyes, still resting my head on the headrest. I stayed like that for at least thirty seconds, the only sound being my mom's dog, Kitty, barking at something (most probably another dog on the television).

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