First day

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Yeonjun was sound asleep in his cozy bed when he suddenly heard a really irritating noise. "Ugh, it's 7 already? I'm so tired." He whines as he gets out of bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Throughout his life, Yeonjun has consistently struggled to find a steady job. Despite his efforts, he has never been able to the right one. Good pay or hours.

As of now, Yeonjun finds himself grappling with the challenges of meeting his monthly rent payments. He promised himself, ever since he started living on his own, that he'd thrive without his complicated family.

But life was starting to get better as
today was Yeonjun's first day of work. However, at long last, fate had intervened in Yeonjun's favor, as today marked the beginning of his new job. This would be his fifth time, and he hoped that it would be his last.

He wanted to make a good impression on his new boss because he is going to be his assistant. He got dressed and after ate breakfast. "Nothing can go wrong Yeonjun everything is going to be alright." He says to himself, continuing to slurp up his noodles. After finishing up, he put on his shoes and left his apartment. He didn't have a car, so he had to walk to his workplace.

But he didn't mind it because he wanted to enjoy the fresh air and think clearly. While walking, he noticed a coffee shop nearby. It was only 9 a.m., and he didn't have to be at work until 10 a.m., so he went in the place.

"HI there, what would you like to drink." The lady says "Um can I have an americano please." He says with a smile on his face. "Of course, it will only take 3 minutes, I'll call out your name when it's done." After getting his drink, he got out of the coffeshop as he continued to keep walking, feeling the nice cool wind.

He felt an overwhelming sense of joy, convinced that nothing could possibly dampen his spirits for the rest of the day. Little did he know, his perception was about to change drastically. Unaware of his surroundings, he suddenly collided with an unsuspecting individual, causing his americano to cascade carelessly over the unfortunate person.

"What the fuck!" The man says angrily, "I-im sorry I didn't s-see you there sir." Yeonjun said feeling guilty about what he had just done. "Gosh, do you know how expensive my clothes are!?!? I have a new assistant coming today and now they have to see me in a mess like this. Watch where you're going!" He screamed, walking away shoving Yeonjun, the scream cause Yeonjun to jump a bit from how his voice got louder.

He felt so guilty and wanted to buy the man new clothes or even help him with some stuff. 'Gosh Yeonjun, this is all your fault. You should've watched where you were going.' He thought to himself as he continued walking to the company.

He finally arrived at the company and went inside the building. He was amazed at how big it was compared to the outside. He saw a man sitting at a desk and walked up to him.

"Hi, my name is Choi Yeonjun, and I'm here as the new assistant for Mr. Choi." He says, fidgeting with his fingers as he is, of course, nervous. "Ah, you're the new worker, well Hi I'm Beomgyu but you can just call me gyu, um and yeah Mr. Choi is on the 5th floor, and when you get there, just take a left, and his room should be right there. If you want, I can ask one of my workers to lead you there." He says, smiling. "Oh yeah, that would be great! "Alright then, hey, Huening, can you bring Yeonjun to Soobin."

"Yeah I can. Yeonjun, follow me!" He says as Yeonjun follows him to the elevator and getting in.

"So, are you nervous????" Huening says with a curious look on his face, "a bit." Yeonjun sighs, "Well lemme just tell you now that you don't gotta worry, he's amazing! Expect that you're his 5th new assistant this month, the last 4 quit in a week. Also, just a heads-up he's a little angry right now because his favorite shirt got ruined today by someone. So don't be surprised if he's a bit rude." That made Yeonjun even more nervous and anxious.


They both left the elevator and started going towards Mr. Choi's room. As they got closer and closer to his room, Yeonjun felt himself become nervous again and tense up. 'Okay, Yeonjun, this is the moment you've been waiting for. Stop being nervous and keep calm.' He thought to himself repeatedly, trying to keep calm. Finally, as Huening Kai opened the door to his room, he had finally seen him. "Hi, you must be- WAIT YOU'RE THAT MANIC FROM EARLY!" He screamed while Yeonjun was completely frozen and scared for his life.

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