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Soobin woke up feeling unwell and sickly. He was experiencing the aftermath of a hangover, which was making him feel terrible. Perhaps he should have refrained from drinking altogether. Normally, he never indulged in such behavior, but Layla had convinced him to do so.

Flash back

" Soobin hyung, you shouldn't be drinking so much. You're already on your 6th sho-" Huening says as he got cut off, "Hey! He can drink as many as he wants." Layla says as Huening just stays quiet.

"Babe, come on, take one more shot with me, please." She says, hugging Soobin tightly. "O-okAy!" Soobin says as he takes another shot, making the three boys disappointed.

End of flash back

"I'm so tired." Soobin whines as he gets out of bed.

Soobin indulged in a lengthy shower, determined to purge any lingering traces of alcohol from his body. Once he emerged from the steamy confines of the bathroom, he made a beeline for his refrigerator, where he retrieved a specially concocted hangover drink.

Glancing at the clock, which displayed the numbers 11am, he hastily collected his belongings and swiftly departed from his abode. As Soobin sat in his car, a deafening silence filled the air until Jin finally broke the tranquility with his words.

"Hey Soobin, where's Yeonjun? You haven't been with him lately." Jin asks, making Soobin tense up a bit from hearing the Yeonjuns name.

" Why would I know? I dont care about him." Soobin said, which caught Jin off guard. "What are you talking about? You would always hang out with him, not only that you looked so happy with him." Jin speaks as Soobin stays quiet.

Jin sighs, "You know I thought you guys would be good friends. Yeonjun talked to me a few days ago, saying how much he cared about you."

"Can we stop talking about Yeonjun hyung!" Soobins screamed as Jin just nodded.

Soobin's feelings towards Yeonjun have changed drastically, as he now finds himself filled with disdain whenever he catches a glimpse of him. The intensity of this negative emotion stems from his deep-seated resentment towards Yeonjun's striking beauty, which only serves to intensify his aversion.

Consequently, Soobin finds himself unable to approach Yeonjun, as the lingering impact of his past actions has created an insurmountable barrier between them.

"Bye, hyung." Soobin says as he waves only to see Jin look a bit disappointed

As Soobin made his way into the building, he cordially greeted all the workers he passed by, exchanging friendly hellos and acknowledging their presence. Deep down, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of reluctance as he approached his office, knowing that he would inevitably come face to face with Yeonjun.

The thought of encountering him again brought a sense of unease and discomfort, making him wish he could avoid this encounter altogether. However, the circumstances left him with no other option but to push through and confront the inevitable.

Upon entering his office, he noticed that Yeonjun was diligently engrossed in his work, seemingly oblivious to his presence. It was unusual, as Yeonjun typically greeted him with warm phrases like "How are you?" or "Good morning." However, on this particular day, Yeonjun remained silent.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin called, making Yeonjun look right at him. Upon seeing his eyes, Soobin noticed that they appeared slightly red and swollen, leading him to wonder if tears had been shed. "Did you finish writing out my schedule this week?" Soobin asked, looking at the older.

"Yeah, here." Yeonjun says with a dead look on his face. Soobin couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with the older. This wasn't the Yeonjun he knew. The Yeonjun he knew was a very happy bubbly guy who would always smile.

"Mr. Choi, if you need anything, I'll be with Taehyun." Yeonjun says, walking out room, not looking back at the other.

Yeonjun felt a strong urge to free his mind from the overwhelming thoughts that were consuming him. Amongst these thoughts, he had a plethora of things he desperately wanted to express to Soobin, but a part of him believed that it would be more prudent to maintain silence. However, this inner turmoil became so intense that Yeonjun found himself seeking solace in Taehyun's room, yearning to confide in him about the profound contemplations that had been occupying his mind as of late.

"Hyung! What are you doing here-, wait hyung are you okay?" Taehyun speaks as he noticed Yeonjun crying. Taehyun went up to him, hugging him. "Hey, what's wrong?" Yeonjun started crying even more.

"I miss him, Taehyun! I don't even know what I did wrong! Ever since that trip happened, he started acting differently." Yeonjun cried even more, "I- I think I like him." Yeonjun says as he didn't wanna admit it.

"Shh, it's okay, hyung." Taehyun says, patting the older back gently.

As Yeonjun and Taehyun were in the middle of their conversation, Soobin suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom. Coincidentally, the bathroom happened to be located right next to Taehyun's room. As Soobin made his way towards the bathroom, he couldn't help but overhear Yeonjun's distressed cries.

Intrigued and concerned, he couldn't resist the temptation to find out what was happening. As he approached closer, his eyes caught sight of Yeonjun's puffy and red eyes, clearly indicating that he had been crying. To Soobin's surprise, Yeonjun was tightly embracing Taehyun as if there was no tomorrow.

Witnessing this intimate moment between Yeonjun and Taehyun stirred a mix of emotions within Soobin. His heart ached at the sight of Yeonjun's tears, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy seeing Taehyun so close to Yeonjun. All he wanted was to rush into the room and offer his own comforting hug to Yeonjun, as he couldn't bear to witness his pain.


As the clock struck 10 pm, Yeonjun emerged from the building, catching sight of Jin patiently waiting to pick up Soobin. Spotting Yeonjun, Jin approached him, eager to engage in a conversation.

"Hey, Yeonjun! How are you?" Jin asks. "I'm fine, hyung." Yeonjun replied as he smiled weakly.

"You know you haven't really been in the car with us for a while. Wanna come? I can drop you off." Jin says as Yeonjun just hummed.

"It's fine. Also, doesn't Soobin have a girlfriend? It's a little weird if you guys pick her up, and I'm just there." Yeonjun says as Jin chuckles.

"Soobin, let's no one in his car besides you." He points, "It's a bit weird, though. He had never let any of his old girlfriends in his car before." Jin says, making Yeonjun shocked.

"Hey, hyung!" Someome screams, making Yeonjun recognize that voice.

"W-well Jin hyung, i-i gotta go now bye!" Yeonjun quickly says as he runs.

Soobin observed Yeonjun sprinting, and a wave of sorrow washed over him. He yearned for the opportunity to engage in conversation with Yeonjun once more; however, circumstances prevented him from doing so.

He was convinced that if Yeonjun were aware of his desire, he would despise it. Consequently, Soobin opted to adopt a chilly and discourteous demeanor in the hopes that it would suffice.

Time skip

"Gosh, I don't know if I can keep working for Soobin anymore." He says as he lies in his bed, Yeonjun reflects on the events of the day and prepares to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

"Maybe I'll tell him I will tomorrow." Yeonjun says as he falls asleep.

Oh no, yeonjun is thinking about quitting???


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