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Today marks the long-awaited arrival of Yeonjun's birthday, a day of celebration and jubilation. Excitement fills the air as Yeonjun and his friends meticulously plan a joyous gathering at a renowned Korean barbecue restaurant.

As soon as Yeonjun had completed the process of getting himself ready, his phone emitted a gentle buzzing sound, indicating the arrival of a text message. He reached for his phone and discovered that it was Taehyun who had messaged him telling him to come out. Yeonjun glanced at himself in the mirror one final time, meticulously assessing his appearance before departing from the comfort of his apartment.

"Ready?" Taehyun asks, "Yep! Let's go." Yeonjun says excitedly.


After a considerable amount of time had passed, both individuals caught sight of the other three boys approaching. Taking a seat, they engaged in lively conversation and enjoyed each other's company while eagerly awaiting the arrival of their food.

Taehyun, Beomgyu, Huening Kai, and Yeonjun were thoroughly enjoying themselves, reveling in the excitement and laughter that filled the air. However, Soobin was not experiencing the same level of enjoyment as the rest of them.

Soobin uncomfortably took a small sip from his glass of water, feeling out of place as he watched the other boys engaging in conversations and enjoying themselves, completely oblivious to his presence. It was obvious that he had never really desired to be a part of this gathering, but the relentless persuasion from Taehyun had ultimately weakened his resolve.

While the boys continued to exchange jokes and laughter, Soobin couldn't help but feel like an outsider, longing for the connection that seemed to effortlessly flow between his friends. The sound of Yeonjun's hearty laughter echoed through the restaurant, indicating that someone had said something particularly funny.

During their conversation, Yeonjun couldn't shake the feeling that he was being observed by someone. Unease settled over him, prompting him to shift his gaze towards Soobin. However, he swiftly averted his eyes upon realizing that Soobin was already staring at him. 'Why the heck was he looking at me for!?' Yeonjun thinks to himself nervously.

Soobins pov:

'Something about Yeonjun is different today.' I noticed. 'Yeonjun's skin seemed to be glowing brighter today. His hair was lavish and soft, and his shirt hugged him neatly. I like the way he laughs.'

'Oh fuck he saw me staring.' I say as I quickly turn my head the other way.

End of pov:

"Yay! Are food is here!" Huening says. "Let's eat!" Beomgyu says. They all eat and drink a lot while Soobin is just there not doing much. Yeonjun noticed that,"Soobin, I mean Mr. Choi, you should eat too." Yeonjun says, getting up from his seat, taking a piece of beef, and putting it close toward Soobins mouth. "Put that down. I'll do it myself ."He says as he picks up the beef and eats it while Yeonjun sits back down, pouting,

As the meal was nearing its completion, Beomgyu presented a delightful surprise to Yeonjun by bringing out a beautifully decorated cake. This unexpected gesture left Yeonjun in a state of simultaneous shock and excitement. "Happy birthday to you~" Beomgyu starts.

Soobin glanced at the other, noticing his eyes lit up, looking like a little kid that is having their first ever birthday "Cute" he mumbled. "Thank you, guys! I never really had a real birthday before!" Yeonjun says, causing all of the rest to be shocked. "Y-you never had a birthday before?" Soobin said, wondering why he stuttered, "Yeah, I mean, I only ever gotten a happy birthday from my parents, but that's it no cake or presents." He says. "Well! I hope this is the best birthday you've had." Huening says!

"How old are you now?" Taehyun asks curiously, "23!" Yeonjun says proudly, "WHAT?! you're older than me?" Soobin says, causing the older to chuckle. "Yes, so you." He points, "should call me hyung!" Yeonjun says childishly. "If you ever think I'll call you hyung, then you must be out of your mind." He scoffs as Yeonjun just rolled his eyes.


"I wAnt moRe sOju gimmE!" Yeonjun says, clearly drunk, "Yeonjun, you're so drunk. Stop drinking." They all say. "Yall are mean." He pouts, "Soobin, can you take him home?" Taehyun asks, "What? Why me?" He scoffed, "Well we are all buzz besides Huening, so he's taking us home. Also Yeonjun is very drunk while you're sober, so take just do it."

"Fine, whatever, we'll get going then." Soobins says, anoyyed. "Get off the ground, Yeonjun, get up!" "WAit! I really want coOkieeees!" Soobin rolls his eyes. Done with the older, he carried him, putting him over his shoulder while Yeonjun was still whining, wanting cookies.

"GiMMee cooKies and pUt me down you weirdo." Yeonjun said while trying to get off of him. "Stop moving, Yeonjun, or else we are gonna fall."
Soobin says, trying his best to balance.
"Where's your house, Yeonjun?" "OH, we pAst it a feW minutes aGo." Yeonjun says. "WHAT!? Why didn't you say that?!" Soobin says as he turns around, going to Yeonjuns house.

"Hmm, I don't know, I kinda wanna be carried right now it's fun." He says while giggling, "5 minutes ago, you were complaining about how I wouldn't let you down." Soobin rolled his eyes as the older just stayed quiet, enjoying every moment right now. "Okay, what's your pin?" Soobin says, "I'm not telling you, what if you're gonna break into my house, you stranger."

This made Soobin so tired of him. He put Yeonjun down, making him whine. "Heyy, stranger, why did you put me downnn?" Soobin scoffs, "Tell me your pin so I can go home." "No stranger danger." "Hurry Yeonjun, I'm not playing with you anymore." The younger says. "NOOO." After going back and forth a couple of times, Yeonjun finally gives Soobim his pin after Soobin had asked, "If I carry you, will you tell me your pin? " "YESS!" Yeonjun says excitedly .

As Soobin entered the house, he couldn't help but wonder why the older was residing in such a modest and compact dwelling. The thought perplexed him, as he expected someone of Yeonjun's stature to reside in a grander abode. Nonetheless, he brushed off his curiosity and proceeded further into the house. He puts Yeonjun onto the bed, putting a blanket on him.

Just as Soobin was preparing to leave, he suddenly sensed a gentle tug on his sleeves, causing him to halt in his tracks. Turning around, he was taken aback to discover Yeonjun standing there, his eyes brimming with tears, clearly in distress. "Soobin.... don't go please, y-you have to stay with me, don't leave me like how g-grandma did." This made Soobin wonder what Yeonjun was talking about, just staying silent while looking at the other.

Suddenly, Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's arm and gently pulled him towards him. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Soobin, embracing him tightly, ensuring that they would both have a restful and comforting sleep together. "Y-Yeonjun, s-stop let go. I need to go home." Soobin says nervously as he tries to push Yeonjun away. But pushing him made the older hug tighter, "No Soobin your so warm, and I'm so cold." He whines.

"You act so different when you're drunk, you know that?" Soobin sighs, having no choice but to sleep with him.

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