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Yeonjun was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, finding it hard to fathom that the very person he accidentally spilled his drink on has now become his superior in the workplace. The shock and disbelief that washed over him were overwhelming, leaving him in a state of astonishment and disbelief.

He couldn't help but question the irony of the situation, contemplating how such a trivial incident could lead to such a significant change in their professional dynamic. The realization that he now had to answer to someone he had previously encountered in such a clumsy and embarrassing manner was both surreal and unsettling for Yeonjun.

It was as if fate had played a whimsical trick on him, intertwining their paths in an unexpected and somewhat bewildering manner.

"You to know each other?" Huening said, breaking the silence while also confused. "Uh yeah, we do! He's the maniac that ruined my clothes!" Yeonjun stayed silent while Mr. Choi kept talking. "There is no way he's being my new assistant." He said with a stern voice

"Soobin, give this man a chance he had a really good resume, and I'm sure it was an accident, right Yeonjun?" Yeonjun couldn't say a word he was too afraid to say anything. Huening cleared his throat to get Yeonjuns attention, "right Yeonjun?"Ah y-yeah, it was an accident. I should've looked where I was going. I'm sorry." He bowed.

"You really think imma give you a chance?" Soobin scoff. "Soobin, give him a chance he said it was an accident, and plus, you need a new assistant he could be very useful."

'He wouldn't be bad I could make his life miserable,' Soobin thought to himself while looking at the other find with his fingers while making eye contact to the ground. "Okay then, Yeonjun, I'll give you a chance." He says with a smirk. "R-really!?!" He nods. "Okay then, um, do you need me to do anything?" Yeonjun says, still shocked at the fact he's letting him work for him.

"Huening, you can leave now. I'll deal with him from here." Soobin says, "Alright then." Huening leaves. "So I just wanted to say tha-." Before Yeonjun could finish, Soobin stops him. "Yeah, whatever, bring me my paperwork, which is on the first floor, and then make me tea . If you mess it up, then let's hope you'll live, okay?" "A-ah, yes, I'll get to doing that right now, sir!"

Yeonjun was wondering if he is always this strict? But he found himself contemplating just how fortunate he seemed to be, or at least that was his initial belief. As he stepped into the elevator, he noticed a young boy with pink hair approaching him. Being the kind-hearted individual that he is, Yeonjun decided to hold the elevator doors open, patiently waiting for the boy to join him inside.

"Oh, thank you." The pink hair boy says. "Also, are you new? I feel like I haven't seen you around here before?" He says, curious, "Oh yeah, I'm the new assistant for Mr. Choi. My name is Yeonjun, and yours?" He says, "Oh well, nice to meet you, im Taehyun." After having a small conversation, Yeonjun went to the printer room to get the papers.

'These are thick!" He thought as he walked out of the room to head to the tea station. As he got there, he placed the paperwork down on the counter.
"Hmm, he never said which flavored hw wanted." He says to himself, trying to choose what flavor would be the best. Finally, he saw one that caught his eye. "Oh, perfect! Mint tea! He would love that. I mean, who wouldn't! He says as he rips the bag, putting the powder into the hot steaming water.

Once he had finished his drink, he proceeded to return to the fifth floor and entered the room where he unexpectedly stumbled upon Soobin, engaging in a passionate make-out session with a young lady.

Yeonjun, not wanting to disrupt their conversation, silently set down all of the things he was holding and began to make his way towards the exit. He made a conscious effort to avoid interrupting them. However, Soobin managed to notice his departure.

After noticing, Soobin delivers a swift kick to the girl, catching the attention of Yeonjun, who observes the unmistakable look of annoyance etched upon his face. As the girl departs, Soobin seizes the opportunity to firmly grasp onto Yeonjun's arm, seeking solace or perhaps reassurance in their connection.

"You could've knocked? First day, and you're already ruining everything?"
Soobin says, clearly annoyed by the fact that his makeout session had to be done. "I'm sorry, Mr. Choi, I'll make sure to knock next time b-but here's your papers and tea." Yeonjun says nervously, causing him to stutter a bit.

Soobin takes the paper from Yeonjun's grasp and sets it on the smooth surface of the desktop. Yeonjun then extends his hand, offering Soobin the cup of tea, which Soobin accepts, holding it as he starts to bring it towards his lips, preparing to taste it.

As Soobin took a sip of the drink, he immediately recoiled in disgust, unable to hold back his natural instinct to spit it out. The foul taste lingered on his tongue, leaving a sour aftertaste that made his face contort in disgust. Startled by Soobin's reaction, Yeonjun's eyes widened with concern, his heart pounding in his chest as he anxiously wondered what the consequences of this unpleasant experience would be. A sense of fear began to creep into his mind as he pondered the potential repercussions of Soobin's unfortunate encounter with the drink.

"Eww what the fuck was that?!?" Soobin says as he can still taste the tea in his mouth. "I-i u-uh that was m-mint tea sir, what was wrong? Was there something in it or-"

Just as he was about to complete his sentence, Soobin impulsively hurled the cup towards Yeonjun, narrowly missing him by a hair's breadth. The unexpected act sent a chilling wave of fear coursing through Yeonjun's veins, leaving him petrified and consumed by a gnawing sense of uncertainty. The mere thought of what could possibly unfold next filled him with an overwhelming dread, for he was all too aware of the gravity of the situation.

Losing his newfound job was the last thing he wanted to face at this particular juncture in his life, The uncertainty of the ensuing moments weighed heavily on Yeonjun's mind, leaving him in a state of constant apprehension as he pondered the potential consequences of Soobin's impulsive outburst.

"Mint!?!?!? Mint is the worst flavor ever who in the hell would like mint flavor things!?!?!?!?" He says, wanting to kill Yeonjun right now. "W-well um I do....." Yeonjun said, wondering if he should say more or? "Gosh, go make me a new one." "Okay s-sir but what flavor should I give you then?"

"I don't know? Give me a new flavor and if it's go and if its good ill keep it and if not then give me a new one." Soobin says, clearly enjoying this right now. "B-but that would take forever." He whines, making Soobin get caught off guard. "L-like I care! Go! Or you'll lose your job!" "Uh no, that's not necessary. I'll go right now!" Yeonjun says, running off.

After an exhausting run, Yeonjun finally arrived at his destination. With determination in his heart, he pondered over the perfect drink that he could offer Soobin. He chose carefully this time and decided to go with green tea, "He should like this, right? It's one of them most common tea that people drink." After finishing, he returned to Soobin's office, his hands trembling slightly with anticipation, as he extended the warm mug of tea towards his colleague, hoping that his thoughtful gesture would be well received

"Hmm," Soobin hummed as he drinks it, making Yeonjun get even more nervous. "Whatever, it's fine enough." He says, making Yeonjun sigh in relief. He really didn't wanna go back and forth multiple times just to find Mr. Choi the drink he likes. But you can say that today's gonna be a long day.


It is now 8 pm. Yeonjun can finally leave the building. No words can express how tired he is right now. Even though he's kinda short on money, he really is too tired to walk right now, so he called an Uber. Upon his arrival at his apartment, he exited the Uber and promptly proceeded to remove his shoes before reclining on his comfortable bed. "I can't believe I have to deal with him everyday, it's only the first day, and I feel like quitting. Mr. Choi is already so rude to me." He says to himself, getting off the bed to go shower.

Little did he realize that the path ahead held even more challenges and hardships in store for him.....

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