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A few days later.....

"Gosh Yeonjun, where are you?" Soobin says as he finishes up his work.

It had been a significant span of five long days since Yeonjun had abruptly stored off and left. Soobin couldn't help but admit that he deeply longed for his presence. The reality was that Soobin found himself constantly consumed by thoughts of Yeonjun, to the point where not a single day went by without him wondering over where he could be.

As Soobin was pondering the whereabouts of Yeonjun, the door suddenly swung open, unveiling the presence of a boy with vibrant pink hair.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Taehyun asked.

Taehyun was deeply concerned about Soobin's well-being. Soobin had been going through a rough patch recently, experiencing sleepless nights, red and swollen eyes from incessant crying, and a noticeable lack of appetite. He felt all of this just because of the one guy he truly loves. Choi Yeonjun

"Hm, y-yeah, I'm okay." Soobin says, trying his hardest not to shed a tear. 

"Here I brought you some food, come eat some."

"I'm not in the mood to eat right now. Just leave it here." Soobin closes his eyes.

"No, Soobin, you haven't been eating for god knows how long! You need to at least take one bite." Taehyun says

"I said just leave it here."

"You know if Yeonjun was here, he would want you to eat to-"

"Well, he's not so leave!" Soobin yells.

After setting the food down, Taehyun lets out a deep sigh and exits the room.


"Yeonjun! You can't just leave him alone. He needs you real bad." Taehyun says.

"Not like I care, besides he doesn't need me when he has Layla." Yeonjun says."

"You don't miss him at all?" Taehyun questioned.

"N-no," Yeonjun stuttered

"Please just go talk to him, or maybe unblock him and see what he's been texting you."

"I'm not going to talk to him!" Yeonjun yelled

"Fine, then at least unlock him to see what he's been writing to you every day."

"Fine" Yeonjun sighs.

Call ends

Yeonjun decided to unblock Soobin from his phone, curious to find out what he had been writing. As he initiated the unblocking process, a sudden flurry of notifications started bombarding his phone, catching Yeonjun off guard. The rapid succession of alerts startled him, but once they finally ceased, he eagerly delved into reading all the messages that had accumulated during Soobin's blocked period.

Hyung, I'm sorry.
I really didn't mean to slap you, I promise.

                          Next day
Hyung, unblock me, please! I really didn't mean to.

I miss you every day 

Sorry hyung

                          Next day
Yeonjun's hyung, please talk to me

I don't wanna be ignored anymore


Why did you have to quit?

                         Next day
Hi hyung, I haven't been eating.

I know you don't like me anymore, but 
I'm still so sorry.

Hopefully, you see these soon

But I'll stop texting you now, but I miss you.

While Yeonjun was engrossed in reading the heartfelt messages, an overwhelming wave of emotions surged within him, causing tears to well up in his eyes. The longing he felt for Soobin intensified, engulfing him in a sea of nostalgia and longing.

Yeonjun's hands, seemingly possessed by a newfound energy, became uncontrollable as they swiftly glided over the keyboard. With an overwhelming desire to reply to each and every one of Soobin's text messages, he found himself unable to resist the urge to type at an accelerated pace.

But I'll stop texting you now, but I miss you.

Soobin, I'm going to you right now.

In a swift motion, Yeonjun hurriedly dashed out of his apartment without a care in the world for the pouring rain. His sole focus at the moment was Soobin, the only person who mattered to him.

He hurriedly made his way into the building and headed straight to Soobin's office with utmost speed. Not even giving Beomgyu a glance.

"Yeonjun? Uh, bruh, you just left. A hi would've been nice." Beomgyu scoffs as he looks at the lady in front of him, giving him a weird look. 

"What are you looking at?" Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"I-i, um, I just needed a room." The lady says while looking everywhere, but Beomgyu.

"Oh yeah, that's my job!" He smiles.

When Yeonjun reached the door, he paused and gently knocked on it.

Yeonjun was left without any response, and he leaned his head against the wall, his attention piqued by a faint sound reaching his ears. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the sound of Soobin shedding tears.

"Not now, Taehyun. I'm not hungry."

Yeonjun didn't waste a moment before bursting into the room.

"Tae! I said not now-" Soobin quiet down as he saw.....

Soobin was in complete disbelief as he laid his eyes on the person standing before him - was that truly Choi Yeonjun? Was his Choi Yeonjun with him right now for real?


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been having lots of school work

If there are any mistakes, sorry, I'm not fixing it tho I'm lazy

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