Be my boyfriend

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Yeonjun awoke to find Soobin in a state of peaceful slumber, and as he gazed upon him, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer beauty that lay before his eyes.

"He's so beautiful." Yeonjun said, not even knowing he said it out loud.

"I know I am." Soobin said, now opening his eyes.

Yeonjun gasp, "You heard that!?" He says as he buries his face into Soobin's chest, covering his pink cheeks.

"Of course I did." Soobin chuckles, "Look at me."

Yeonjun slowly lifts his head from Soobins chest, still having the pink tint on his cheeks. "How long were you awake for?"

"I don't know. Maybe I woke up 5 minutes before you did."


Yeonjun slowly leans his head against Soobin's chest, immersing themselves in the tranquil silence that envelops the room. Their gazes meet, becoming captivated by the profound connection shared through their locked eyes.

"Soobinn" Yeonjun says

"Yeah?" Soobin replies

"Kiss me?" Yeonjun shyly asks.

"Okay!" Soobin gives a small peck on the lips, making Yeonjun whine.

"Not like that!" Yeonjun whines

"Hm? Then how?" Soobin asked.

"Like, not just a peck! Do it how you did it to me early."

"Like this?" Soobin asks as he leans in to give a kiss.

"Nooo! Not like that!" Yeonjun whines again.

"Hmm, then I'm not sure. I think you gotta show me how, then."

Yeonjun couldn't handle Soobin's games any longer, so he passionately kissed him, fully immersing himself in the moment as if it were their last opportunity to engage in such intimacy. The texture of Soobin's lips was incredibly soft, and the flavor was immensely satisfying to Yeonjun's senses.

After some time, Soobin seizes control, overpowering Yeonjun as he holds him close, restricting his movements while deepening the passionate kiss. Their tongues engage in a fierce battle for dominance, with Yeonjun willingly surrendering to Soobin's commanding presence.

The sensations that Soobin and Yeonjun experienced in their stomachs while they engaged in their passionate kisses were truly unparalleled. As time went on, the kisses began to take on a more uninhibited and intense nature, with the sounds of their lips meeting resonating throughout the room.

Soobin had then broken the kiss looking at Yeonjun, who was a mess.

"Can you get up, hyung?" Soobin asked

"I-I don't know, maybe I'll try." Yeonjun says as he tries to get up but fails in an instant.

"Oh my gosh hyung come here." Soobin laughs picking up Yeonjun.

"Stop, this isn't even funny. I can't move!" Yeonjun whines.

"Come on, let's take a shower." Soobin walks to the bathroom.

"It's all your fault that I can't walk." Yeonjun rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah? But who was the one saying 'Soobin faster' or-" Before Soobin could finish his sentence, Yeonjun covered his mouth.

"Shut it, Soobin." Yeonjun seriously says," Still having pink cheeks while Soobin is smiling.

After the shower

Both were cuddling each other, feeling each other's warmth. It felt so good to be with each other.

"Yeonjun?" Soobin says quietly.

"Yeah?" Yeonjun replies

Soobin stays quiet and just looks at the beauty in front of him. He wants to ask but he can't he's just to scared.

"Soobin, are you okay?" Yeonjun asks causing Soobin to jump back in tk reality.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Silence starts to happen as they both just keep looking at each other. Soobin looking while playing with Yeonjuns soft black hair, while Yeonjun in Soobins arms.

"I wanna tell you something." They both say making them both laugh.

"You tell me first." Yeonjun says

"Well how about we say it at the same time?" Soobin asked, Yeonjun nods.

"Okay on the count of 3, 1, 2, 3."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

With them once again saying the same thing at the same time makes the shock. But even more shock this time as to what they both said.

"Yes." Yeonjun proudly says.

"W-wait what?"

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend."

"Wait really!?"

"Yes Soobin." Yeonjun nods smiling, "yes to! I'll be your boyfriend to hyung." Soobin also says and pulling Yeonjun into a passionate kiss.

As they make out, Soobin licks Yeonjun's lower lip, causing Yeonjun to quickly open his mouth, knowing what Soobin wants. However, instead of Yeonjun fighting for dominance, he lets Soobin explore his mouth, feeling his tongue go to each corner. Sooner or later, they both pull away from being out of breath.

"I love you hyung."

"I love you too."


Okay thanks for the people who had read this I really appreciate it.

Also we got number 1 in Yeonbin!
Which is crazy!

Also we got number 1 in Yeonbin! Which is crazy!

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But thank you for reading!

Also a new book is going to come out soon!

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