Business Trip

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Over the course of the past few days, Yeonjun has experienced an overwhelming intensity of emotions, making it incredibly challenging for him to interact with Soobin. Every time Yeonjun engages in a conversation, makes eye contact, or simply gazes at Soobin, his heart races at an alarmingly fast pace.

It feels as though his heart is attempting to burst out of his chest, while his face instantly flushes with a deep shade of crimson. This constant state of nervousness has consumed him entirely, leaving him in a perpetually anxious state whenever Soobin is around.

"He's so in love with him, gyu." Taehyun says as he gazes intently at Yeonjun, and Soobin engaged in conversation, observing Yeonjun's flushed face as they interact.

"Yeah, I know, but Soobin hyung is straight." Beomgyu says as he sighs. "But it seems like Soobin hyung likes him, though, because this is the first time I see him get along with his assistant."

Taehyun scoff, "Straight as a bend ruler. There is no way he's straight, maybe before Yeonjun had came here, but now he definitely most certainly isn't. Plus, it's the longest assistants that had stayed." He said as he giggled, "The last 5 quit because Soobin hyung couldn't deal with them, lol."

Beomgyu and Taehyun were in the midst of sharing a lighthearted moment, their laughter echoing through the air, when suddenly their cheerful atmosphere was shattered by a scream that jolted them both.

In an instant, their heads instinctively snapped towards the source of the sound, only to find Yeonjun standing there, his face contorted in a mixture of surprise and alarm.

"Why are you screaming? You don't wanna go? Soobin said with a confused look on his face. "And why do you look so nervous you only have to go with me for a week?" Soobin rolled his eyes

'ME!? GO WITH SOOBIN ON A BUSINESS TRIP TO PARIS!? I WOULD LOVE TO BUT IT WOULD JUST BE US TWO!' Yeonjun thought to himself as just sat their froze, causing Soobin to think he doesn't wanna go.

"So uh? Are you gonna go? I kinda need you to go with me so I don't get bored. U-unless you don't want to! I'll just ask Huening or someone else.

"Damm hyun, did you hear that
right?" Beomgyu, ask Taehyun. "Uh yeah, what has Yeonjun done to him? He always forced his assistant to go with him. But unlike Yeonjun, he has an option to go or not." He said in disbelief.

"F-fine, it's fine. I'll just as Huening." Soobin said, kinda sad as he walked away. He wanted the older to go with him.  "W-wait, Soobin. I'll go with you." This made Soobin stop and surprise. "R-really!? You'll go with me!?" He said, jumping up and down.

"Y-yes, I'll go with you!"  Yeonjun said, giggling while he feels like his heart is going to burst out at any minute.

"They're cute and all, but they make me wanna puke." Taehyun said,
making Beomgyu laugh. "Haha, we have to tell Huening about this."

Time skip!

As the day came to a close, Yeonjun's mind was consumed with thoughts of what he and Soobin had planned for their time in Paris. Perhaps they would indulge in delicious ice cream, leisurely stroll through the charming streets, or even have a chance encounter with the beloved superheroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir.

The anticipation and excitement swirled within him, making the moments leading up to their adventure feel even more exhilarating.

"Yay! I'm so excited I can't wait to go! We leave in 3 days! It's just gonna be me and him. That's so perfect. "Yeonjun says happily while egar to go to Paris already.


2 days later (make sure to vote ;)

"Yeonjun, are you sure you need all of this stuff? You're only going for a week, " Huening asked as he help Yeonjun in the arduous task of loading up a heavy suitcases, feeling fatigued due to the constant back and forth and up and down movement necessitated by Yeonjun's abode being situated on the fourth floor of the building.

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