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Yeonjun gradually lifted his head off of Soobin's shoulder, feeling the remnants of sleep dissipating as he regained consciousness. Knowing they still had a good two hours left before their plane would touch down in Paris, he glanced over to find Soobin already awake, engrossed in a book.

As he settled into his seat and gazed out of the aircraft window, Yeonjun suddenly felt the urge to use the restroom. However, not wanting to disturb Soobin's peaceful state, he made the decision to quietly make his way across the aisle.

Soobins pov:

"Umm, where are you going?" I ask as I notice him getting up from his seat.

"Oh, bathroom." Yeonjun says

"Oh, okay." I say as I continue reading. "Oh, Soobin, excuse me." Yeonjun says. "Oh yeah, hold on." I say as I try to get up but realize that Yeonjun wants to cross me, making my face close to his butt.

'Oh god, this is so awkward his butt was in my face.' I say as he finally makes it out of his seat onto the aisle while fanning myself
"He does have a big butt though." I mumbled. The person next to me must have noticed because she gave me a look.

Upon returning from the bathroom, Yeonjun attempted to make his way back to his seat. However, just as he was about to pass by, the individual seated in front of us unexpectedly and forcefully reclined their chair, causing Yeonjun to lose his balance and inadvertently land on top of me.

My heart began to race and panic set in as Yeonjun accidentally fell on top of me. The proximity of our bodies caused my cheeks to flush with heat, and I couldn't help but make eye contact with him. As our gazes locked, I noticed a hint of redness creeping up his ear, indicating that he might have been feeling the same mix of nerves and embarrassment as I was, in that moment.

"O-oh my god, i-im s-so sorry Soobin." I hear Yeonjun speak as he gets back up, placing his hands onto my chest.

"I-it's okay, Yeonju-" Just as I was about to complete my sentence, Yeonjun unexpectedly stumbled and landed right on top of me once again. This sudden occurrence left me utterly speechless, as our faces were now merely an inch apart. It was even closer than the previous time we found ourselves in this position.

"Y-Yeonjun?" I say as my face his even redder than it used to be. "I-im sorry Soobin t-the man he reclined his chair again." He says as he gets up.

End of pov

'Oh gosh, his face was so close to mine.' Yeonjun face heats up even more from thinking about it.


"Yay! We are finally landing." The older says excitedly while looking at the window.

"Yep, you're that excited?" Yeonjun gave him a look, "Hey! What's with the look." That made Yeonjun giggles.

"Nothing, but of course, I'm excited. Aren't you?" He says as he looks at Soobin.

"I already been here a couple of times, so not really." The younger says as the older just nods his head. Soobin hopes that maybe spending time with Yeonjun here will be more fun than the last 3 times he's been there.


"Okay, we made it to the hotel." Soobin says.

"What room are we in?" Yeonjun, ask

"The highest one." Soobin said, making Yeonjuns mouth drop. "What?"

"Isn't that room super expensive, like it cost 5000 dollars per night!?" Soobin just chuckled.

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