I love you

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Smut warning bad smut too

1457 words of smut LMFAO

This is my first time writing smut, but um, yeah

As Yeonjun shifted his position and stood up from Soobin's lap, he suddenly became aware of a certain sensation pressing against him. To his surprise, he finally had realize what had been poking him. SOOBIN WAS HARD!!!!!!!

"S-soobin, are you getting h-hard?" Yeonjun stuttered as he was shocked

"Uh no, um.... fine, maybe." Soobin said, feeling embarrassed and flustered looking down.

"Soobin, don't feel embarrassed." Yeonjun said as he went back to sit on Soobins lap. He wanted to tease the younger, so he started to grind on Soobins' lap once again.

"H-hyung w-what are you doing?" Soobin said as his head tossed back from the pleasure.

"Helping you, this feels good, yeah?" Yeonjun says as he breathes heavily, grinding more and more.

Yeonjun and Soobin found themselves growing increasingly aroused as their bodies pressed closer together, their clothing barely separating them. The sensation was so intense that Yeonjun couldn't suppress a small moan, the pleasure overwhelming him.

In that moment, he couldn't help but imagine how incredible it would be if there were no barriers between their lengths, allowing them to fully experience the raw and unbridled pleasure they were both craving.

"W-wait, Soobin, we can't do it here. What if Taehyun or Beomgyu or actually anyone comes in?" Yeonjun panics

"Don't worry, the walls are soundproof, and I'll lock the door. Besides, there's a bedroom over there." Soobin points, making Yeonjun smile.

Once Soobin locks the door, he carefully lifts Yeonjun in his arms, cradles his thighs, and carries him into the bedroom. Gently placing him onto the soft bed, Soobin slowly lowers himself on top of Yeonjun, their lips meeting in an intense and passionate kiss. Yeonjun responds eagerly, returning the kiss with equal fervor.

As their kiss intensified, Soobin's pace quickened, making it difficult for Yeonjun to keep up. The intensity of Soobin's kisses caused Yeonjun to emit gentle whimpering sounds and soft moans due to their roughness.

Soobin gently licks and nibbles on the lower lip of Yeonjun, causing an instant reaction from Yeonjun as he willingly parts his lips to allow Soobin to deeply explore the depths of his mouth.

Yeonjun is currently in a state of disbelief due to the bewildering situation that is unfolding before him. A multitude of intense emotions are swirling within his mind, creating a complex mix of feelings as he continues to passionately engage in making out with Soobin.

Same with Soobin, though. He can't believe as well.

Shortly afterward, Soobin interrupts the kiss to plant gentle kisses on Yeonjun's jawline, gradually transitioning to softly suck on it before moving towards his neck. With fervor, Soobin applies intense suction, passionately leaving a trail of love bites and hickeys scattered across Yeonjun's tender neck.

Yeonjun's lips emit gentle moans, a result of the intense pleasure he experiences as his beloved partner leaves love bites all over his neck.
The sensation is so exquisite that he never wants it to cease. Soobin continues to suck on his neck, causing Yeonjun to shiver with delight.

In a captivating move, Soobin intertwines their hands, firmly pinning them above Yeonjun's head, enhancing the intensity of their intimate connection.

Soon later, Soobin moves closer to Yeonjun's ear. He playfully nibbles on his earlobe, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. And then, with a mischievous smile, Soobin whispers something enticing, leaving Yeonjun longing for more.

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