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Several days have gone by, and Yeonjun is feeling absolutely exhausted, as if his energy is being drained from him. Mr Choi has been incessantly giving him orders and tasks, leaving him with no time to catch his breath or take a break.

But finally, the much-awaited weekend has arrived, offering Yeonjun a glimmer of hope and a chance to rejuvenate himself. It is during this precious free time that Yeonjun plans to meet up with Taehyun. After Yeonjuns' first week of work, him and Taehyun have been hanging out more. So today they are gonna go hang out at a shopping center.

"Do you think this shirt is cute?" Taehyun asks while showing Yeonjun the shirt. " It is, but I feel like this color would look better." Yeonjun pulls out a blue shirt, "Ah okay I'll get this one!" He says, getting ready to go pay. After spending several hours shopping, they are beginning to feel fatigued but still have a desire to continue going out.

"Where should we go next?" Taehyun says while struggling with how many bags he's carrying right now. "Let's go eat. I'm super hungry right now." He says, " Yeah, let's go eat, I'm regretting buying so many things." Yeonjun chuckles as he sees the younger struggling.

They decided to dine at a Ramen establishment, where they indulged in the delightful combination of ramen and soju. In their slightly tipsy state, they engaged in lively conversations about a myriad of topics, ranging from the mundane to the profound.

As the aromatic steam from their bowls of ramen wafted in the air, they found themselves immersed in the spontaneity of the moment, sharing anecdotes, cracking jokes, and delving into the depths of their thoughts.  The subtle intoxication brought about by the soju only added to the relaxed and jovial atmosphere, as they laughed and savored every sip and slurp.

"Omg, it's my birthday soon, I can't wait!!" Yeonjun says childishly. "Hehe, we should invite Huening kai, Beomgyu, and Soobin to eat KBBQ!" He says making Yeonjun gasp a bit, "Why Soobin? he's so rude to me for no reason. I hate him." He whines.
"Yeonjun, he's like this to everyone, trust me. Once he gets close to you, he'll be your best friend. Taehyun says with a big smile on his face as he slurp up his noodles.

"Let's hope so. It seems like he hates my soul. He gives me such a hard time. Like yesterday, he made me go to  three different gas stations to try  to find him his banana milk." Yeonjun saying this made Taehyun confused. 'He has never done that to any of his assistants before.' He thought to himself. "I'll try to talk to him, but for now, let's just eat are noodles!"

Time skip

After enjoying themselves, both Yeonjun and Taehyun decided to head back home. However, Yeonjun couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret for having a few too many drinks. Thankfully, he wasn't excessively intoxicated, so he managed to keep himself composed. Nonetheless, it was quite challenging for him to witness Taehyun's energetic antics as he was all over the place. Recognizing the need for assistance, Yeonjun had to call Beomgyu to come and pick Taehyun up because he couldn't keep up with him anymore.

It was around 11pm when Yeonjun came home. As soon as he arrived, he immediately headed to the bathroom to indulge in a relaxing and refreshing long shower. Emerging from the shower, his senses were heightened when he heard the faint sound of his phone ringing. Curiosity piqued, he swiftly reached for his phone, puzzled as to why this particular individual was seeking to contact him.

"Hello, Mr. Choi." He says nervously, wondering why he could be calling around this time at night. "Taehyun told me it was your birthday in 3 days. Is that so?" He says. "U-uh yeah, it is actually, but why are you asking?" Yeonjun says more confused than ever.

"Just asking anyways, bye, leave me alone." Soobin says, making Yeonjun confused because he was the one who had called him. "But you're the one who-" Call ended, making Yeonjun sigh. "Called," He says, finishing his sentence. "I'm so tired." He says to himself while flopping onto the bed.

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