My fault?

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Upon experiencing a prolonged and discomforting silence at the airport, both Yeonjun and Soobin finally managed to return to the comfort of their homes. However, perplexity began to engulf Yeonjun's mind as he couldn't fathom the reason behind Soobin's sudden transformation into a rude and distant individual.

Doubts and self-doubt consumed him as he questioned his own actions, desperately searching for any potential wrongdoing on his part that could have triggered such behavior from his once amiable companion

"Ugh! Yeonjun, stop thinking about Soobin!" He says loudly as he hits himself on the head. "What did I even do?" Yeonjun questioned himself.

Yeonjun let out a heavy sigh and settled himself onto his soft bed, his mind filled with curiosity about what the younger was doing.


A few days later

"Yeonjun hyung, can you stop being so sad?" Taehyun says as he rolls his eyes, looking at the older laying on his bed.

"Stop thinking about him. Why do you care so much anyway? Didn't you hate him?" This made Yeonjun get up, wondering why he did care so much.

"I-i don't know, hyun." Yeonjun pouts.

Taehyun sighs as he pulls Yeonjun's arm, making him get up. "Come on, get up, let's go hang out with hyuka, and gyu." Yeonjun nods while following Taehyun.

"You know Yeonjun, Soobin has been acting weird lately. Do you know why?" Beomgyu turned to Yeonjun, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he noticed the frown on his face. Perplexed by this sudden change in demeanor, Beomgyu shifted his gaze towards Taehyun, who was mouthing the word no. This made Beomgyu even more confused as he slightly tilled his head.

"You know what, Yeonjun. You might be able to fix him. I invited him to come with us! He should be here any minute."

When Beomgyu uttered those words, Yeonjun's reaction was immediate - he glanced back up with a mixture of shock and nervousness. Beomgyu, on the other hand, believed that his words had brought some joy to Yeonjun's life. Meanwhile, Taehyun couldn't help but facepalm himself, possibly due to the situation's absurdity or his own disbelief.

At the very moment Taehyun was about to utter his thoughts, his words were promptly halted by an unexpected visitor barging into the room. "Hey guys-" Soobin stopped mid way as he saw Yeonjun. He couldn't contain the surge of anger and discomfort that washed over him upon realizing Yeonjun's presence.

To his astonishment, neither Beomgyu nor Huening Kai had bothered to inform him about Yeonjun's attendance. This unforeseen encounter left Soobin feeling betrayed and unsettled. The overwhelming emotions gnawed at him, making it challenging for Soobin to maintain his composure in the face of Yeonjun's unexpected appearance.

"Hey bin! Yeonjun decided to come last minute." Huening said.

"Oh well, my girlfriend came as well." Soobin said, making Yeonjun eyes wonder around the room.

"You didn't tell us that you had a girlfriend. Is that why you've been acting weird?" Gyu asked while Soobin rolled his eyes.

"Hi guys!" A girl says as she looks at Yeonjun. "My name is Layla. Nice to meet you!" She says as she clings onto Soobin's arm.

Taehyun and Beomgyu exchanged disappointed glances with each other, their expressions mirroring their shared sense of letdown. Sensing the need for solace, Beomgyu leaned closer to Taehyun and gently whispered something into his ear, as if offering a comforting secret only they could share.

"Damm, I really thought Soobin and Yeonjun would date." Gyu whispers as he looks at the girl. "Well, Layla, there's not really enough room unless you wanna sit over there." He points to the farthest table away from them.

"Hmm, yeah, no. I guess someone will just have to leave." She says as she looks to see who. She noticed a guy playing his phone, "Hey you! Since you're not doing anything, leave!" She points as Yeonjun looks up, finding out he's the one.

"Umm, excuse me. I don't know who you are, but he isn't leaving!" Taehyun says angrily. "Hyun, it's fine. I have to work on so things anyway." Yeonjun says, placing his hand on Taehyun shoulder.

Soobin observed Yeonjun showing some physical affection towards Taehyun, which made him feel uncomfortable. To address the situation, Soobin discreetly cleared his throat, catching Yeonjun's attention and making eye contact with him.

Yeonjun broke the eye contact first, "It's fine, you guys. Have fun without me. I'll get going now, okay? Bye!" He says as he gets up from his seat only to make eye contact with Soobin again before leaving.

"Wow, hyung, why didn't you try to stop him, I thought you actually enjoyed his company." Taehyun sighed. "Whatever who cares, I never liked him anyways." Soobin says, knowing deep down inside that he missed talking to the older.

"Okay, hyung, whatever you say. Just don't be so rude to him. He cared about you." Soobin, hearing what Taehyun said made his heart pound.

"Can we stop talking about Yeonjun!" Layla says as she puts her head into Soobins. "Can you please shut up?" Beomgyu said, making Huening laugh his ass off.

"Guys, be nice to her she's my girlfriend." Soobin said while the other three just rolled their eyes.

This chapter is kinda short. I'll make the next one longer:)

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