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As the morning sun gently streamed through the window, Yeonjun was roused from his peaceful slumber. Slowly, he shifted his position, facing away from the nightstand, and began to rub his tired eyes. To his surprise, he discovered Choi Soobin, peacefully sleeping beside him, their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

Overwhelmed by this unexpected sight, Yeonjun's heart raced with a mix of confusion and panic, causing him to let out an involuntary scream that echoed throughout the room. Startled by his own outburst, he lost his balance and tumbled off the bed, landing on the floor with a resounding thud.

"AHHH!" Yeonjun let out a piercing scream, jolting Soobin from his peaceful slumber in an instant. The sudden, shrill sound reverberated through the room, filling it with a sense of urgency and alarm. Soobin's eyes flew open, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to comprehend what had just happened.

Yeonjun's scream had been so loud and unexpected. It felt like a bolt of lightning had struck right beside him. He quickly scanned the room, searching for any signs of danger or distress, but found none. Confusion and concern etched across his face, Soobin turned his attention to Yeonjun, who was now standing by the bed with a mixture of fear and agitation in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Yeonjun!?" Soobin says, clearly confused. "Did you s-sleep with me!?" He nervously asks, "Uh yeah, duh? You asked me to? Gosh you're so dramatic you woke me up from my slee-" Soobin was cut off when Yeonjun threw his pillows at him screaming, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! I was drunk and you slept with me!?" Soobin was confused but it finalized hit him....

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!.......oh, OH!, What!? No?! I didn't mean sleep with you in a sexual way! You just wanted me to sleep with you last night and nothing more! Plus, im straight. Do you not remember anything last night!?" Soobin says clearly, very annoyed and shocked. "Oh, hehe, no, I don't. All I know is that I was very drunk." Yeonjun said laughing, "Gosh, not even a thank you to me? Without me, you would've never gotten home."

"Oh, you're the one who sent me home?!" The older says surprise, "duh!" The younger scoff, "wow, I didn't know you had the type of heart to do that." Yeonjun says while wiping his fake tears, "Oh shut up, Yeonjun, and go shower you smell like alcohol." Soobins says while pinching his nose. Yeonjun listened as he went to go shower.

After finishing his shower, he told Soobin he could go shower as well.
While Yeonjun was drying his hair with a towel, the memories of the previous night suddenly came rushing back to him. Of Soobin carrying him, of him letting Yeonjun cling onto his arm, of when he wouldn't let Soobin know his pin code. He chuckled to himself, "Wow, he really did that for me," He mumbled.

Just as Yeonjun was wrapping up his sentence, the bathroom door swung open, revealing a drenched Soobin. With his hair glistening and droplets cascading down, he swiftly grabbed a towel to pat it dry. The sight took Yeonjun aback, leaving him utterly mesmerized by Soobin's undeniable attractiveness. Such thoughts raced through his mind as he couldn't help but find himself captivated by Soobin's presence.

"Yeonjun, your clothes are a little tight, but I guess it's fine." Soobin says as he walks towards the older. Yeonjun found himself unable to respond to Soobin's message, completely captivated by his appearance. He was frozen in awe, unable to comprehend how someone could look so incredibly attractive. "Uh, Yeonjun? Yeonjun!?" Soobin said, trying to get the older attention.

In a sudden moment of realization, Yeonjun's mind was jolted back to reality, causing him to become acutely aware of how he had been fixated on Soobin. Overwhelmed by his newfound awareness, Yeonjun's speech became plagued with nervousness, causing his words to stumble and falter as he attempted to respond to Soobin. "I-i uh, w-what did y-you uh s-say?" Soobin rolled his eyes, "Ugh nevermind anyways thanks for letting me wear your clothes." He smiled showing his dimples.

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